Posts by Brock
Tall 15a
1 & 25.
10 - 7a
10 - 2a
Ign : Palat In
It was the first chest for my first try in Ice Dome
I was doing some chest run waiting for favor and this happened :
I farmed a bit during today's favor and back to back got these "twins" :
5a Tall -5/20% +30
IGN : Palat In
2a Tall -5/20% +30
IGN : Palat In
I have a q13 Magma Shield and a q9 Fellblade
IGN : Palat In
IGN : Palat In
Added some OS shields to clear some space, so no r/b for them.
Pending delivery
T Miles Anti trademeimfamous Ketuja
Catch me ingame to make the trades.
Thank you!
IGN : Palat In
Tall 15/7 5a
Ign : Palat In