Naked Vertebreaker & Zodiac Shield & Zodiac Scepter Curses sold, waiting for the buyers to be available
Posts by Teh
Added: -
- Echovald Shield Tactics Q12 -2 Enchanted +10 Lightning --> 1A
Naked Vertebreaker & Zodiac Shield & Zodiac Scepter Curses will be sold tomorrow if no further bids. -
zodiac q9t -2wE +10 Slashing --> 16A
zodiac q9t -2wE +10 Slashing --> 12A
I'm pretty interested in that one so better ask another advice to be sure.
About 2-4A range from my pov
Added: LF Naga Longbow -
- Echovald Shield Tactics Q9 +10 Plants -2 Enchanted --> 3A
Echovald Shield Strength Q10 +45 Enchanted +10 Blunt ==> 150E
R/B & B/O for q8 Echo
One jug/paper fan bundle later....