Yes, There'll be Green Collectors who'll want it.
I have no idea as to the value but, it'll likely have some who want it.
Yes, There'll be Green Collectors who'll want it.
I have no idea as to the value but, it'll likely have some who want it.
While I don't know what is a desirable skin and what isn't; I can perhaps add the start of a side note to the bottom of the guide.
Jormungand's Thunder is valuable to a collector of Green Items due in large part to the erratic appearance of the Boss Jormungand.
Additional Green Items with above average value: Tanzit's Defender, Dhuum's Scythe, …….
To a non-collector some of the things people collect seem odd. I suspect many are eaten by the hungry Merch Monster without understanding they have value.
While I say I'm not a collector per say; I have a few odd things about that caught my eye, they serve no purpose other than to take up vast amounts of space and please me. None of them are traditional collector items however, I suspect I may be a different eccentric than average collectors.
Upon finding my way here I observed for a time the price checks as well as those giving the price checks. A price check is often not just a fair pricing index; it's also a very subjective thing with personality. Many price checks of items are based on that personality. (In the real world, I've received messages during operations without a name attached and still known who it was from: while I can't explain how I know, I just do.)
Not only will opinions vary, often the personality of the opinion will vary even more so even if the price is identical.
I'm not a collector and don't really know values. per say.
I do however tend to buy things from time to time because they catch my eye, then try and find a use for it.. If I notice the shield up for sale, I'd bid on it. While not a large amount, enough to make it worth saving from Mr. Merch.
The up side is, if it does have more value, I'd soon be outbid.
I'm not a collector but, "unconditional" is ….. well unconditional.
Nothing more I can say, really.
nah, it's blue
I'm not a collector per say but, I believe you'd still get xx e for it.
I've paid 30e -ish in the past for shields like that for Heroes.
r9 Long Sword (purple) = 5e
r9 Sunburst Spear (purple) = 5e
Wintergreen Wand =5e
Wintergreen Axe = 10e
IGN: Bowie Clone
Aside from spear, staff, shield, axe and maybe bow for ranger. Are the rest of the weapons any worth getting it? Some1 knows?
It depends on two things.
1) Your personal preferences to some large extent.
2) The off chance that somebody will come up with the new super build that relies on an Anniversary Weapon to work correctly. (I'll be a bit surprised if it's the Hammer but, stranger things being true are the reality we live in.)
I'll be going simply on hunches and notions as my guide. (That and LARPing)
Maj 30 april 2020, now, dream is real ^^' (for pve, note on shield, reduced armor on pvp now)
- Reduced the cooldown of Judgment Strike to 8.
- Increased the damage bonus of Judgement Strike to 13..30.
- Increased the recharge bonus of Over the Limit to 15..50.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Over the Limit to cause Overcast higher than the user's maximum energy capacity.
- Decreased the attribute bonus of Heroic Refrain to 1..3.
- Reduced the cooldown of Heroic Refrain to 10.
- Soul Taker now sacrifices health for each target of multihit attacks and no longer triggers on attacks that fail.
- Fixed a bug that caused "Together as one!" to affect non-party allies. It will still affect the ranger pets of party members.
- Fixed a bug that caused the new anniversary martial weapons to not properly scale their damage with their required attribute.
- Fixed a bug that caused Anniversary Shield "Curtain" to not be moddable with shield handles.
- Added a penalty to the armor bonus of Anniversary Shield "Curtain" while wielded in PvP.
With the time I have online, I've been collecting a shield for each character to use on a hero plus one for my Mesmer.
While in-game I was called away for a First Responder call only to return to the message informing me an update was available. It was a pleasant surprise upon my return that I could add a handle. I wasn't sure if the lack of adding a handle was a feature or a bug; and surely wasn't expecting a fix that quickly.
Norgu is getting an upgrade from his Wintergreen Shield.
"Let the Memory Live Again" x3
Any +30 hp for staff you have left; Head or Wrapping
IGN: Bowie Clone
I have Lushivahr’s Prism.
IGN: Bowie Clone
In case somebody (else) finishes a mission with a full inventory, you can/must do the mission again in order to receive the Proof of Legend.
Stuff Happens
#6 Heraldic Shield = 1a + 30e
#7 Daedal Shield = 3a
IGN: Bowie Clone
Does anyone know if these weapons are scaling correctly, I swear I'm not doing full damage when auto-attacking with these while meeting the req.
If you still have to sink points into the weapons tree for damage is there any point?
-And my shields can't take a handlepls fix anet.
Has done a bit of testing (on page 4 of this thread) and it does appear they have a few issues.
This build is simply a variant of Norgu The Annoying, with a few changes.
Build: Kung Fu Norgu
I switch Death Pact Signet for Symbolic Strike and set Norgu to Fight Mode.
I also swap out the 3 Runes of Vitae for Minor Runes of Domination Magic, Inspiration Magic and, Illusion Magic. Superior Runes can be beneficial as well depending on the conditions. The lower health and Norgu no longer tending to Kite much allows him to draw and hold Argo rather nicely as well as dealing a bit more damage. Additionally if you don't mind the loss of 6 armor, Distracting Blow, or Distracting Strike can be used as interrupts, and "For Great Justice" for faster adrenaline gain to fuel Symbolic Strike.
A switch to a Wintergreen Axe or Sword equipped with an of Fortitude and Furious Mod with the Inscription "Let the Memory Live Again".
Mostly this is using Norgu as Bait, a job he was born to act out. He has a decent survivability overall while being the silliest tank of them all. He's subject to the same skill limitations as the other build but, more vulnerable to stance removal.
Yeah, I do enjoy being different; no super builds for me.
Blunder Onward.
Taking a bit of time out scavenging for those new Anniversary Weapons to post a pair of hero builds I've tinkered with. (Possibly the new Anniversary Shield is just bugged and will be fixed later to accept a shield handle. Perhaps it'll be a good use for the new Shield. I could also see Illusionary Weaponry being worked into a niche build as well.)
Build: Norgu The Annoying
Fast Casting 12 and Head Gear +1 with Minor Rune +1 = 14
Illusion Magic 3
Domination Magic 9
Inspiration Magic 9
Restoration Magic 1
Keystone Signet
Leech Signet
Signet of Distraction
Mantra of Signets
Death Pact Signet (I originally used a simple Resurrection Signet but, besides it's needing to be recharged to be used again; once used the game mechanics of Mantra of Signets and Artificer's Insignia don't recognize it as being equipped on the skill bar. Despite Death Pack Signet's drawback it's a fast res-skill.)
Signet of Disruption
Unnatural Signet
Signet of Clumsiness
Artificer's Insignia on all armor
Rune of Superior Vigor / Minor Rune of Fast Casting / 3 Runes of Vitae (The Runes of Vitae can be swapped out to boost his other skills or, a Rune of Superior Fast Casting thereby making Norgu a somewhat better draw of Argo due to a bit lower health.)
A Wintergreen Spear with Spear Grip of Fortitude, Inscription "Let the Memory Live Again" (Truth be told, I've also used the Inscription Brawn over Brains" for the Lutz factor.) and Spearhead Storage. A Wintergreen Shield with a Handle of Fortitude and Inscription "Luck of the Draw". (I tend to prefer the simple fortitude over the stamina handle most of the time but, not always.)
Norgu The Annoying is best described as not good at anything but useful for several things. Norgu is set to Guard Mode and kites well; particularly if his stance is removed. One of his main benefits is that he seems to draw pressure away from the back line, however he doesn't hold Argo for long. Good overall survivability and rather amusing. Easily hindered by Spirit of Primal Echoes, Rust and Ignorance; somewhat vulnerable to stance removal.
In many areas/missions Norgu is my go to clown for the win; and just because.
Just tested the Anniversary Shield "Curtain" and it can't take a shield handle upgrade. I suspect all the items have similar limitations to prevent them from being too overpowered.
I still suspect the new weapons will give rise to niche builds.
I've had a build I've been working on for quite some time that some items will likely work nicely with.
OS dual vamp Shadow Bow = 80e
IGN: Bowie Clone
No, worries about working to much, I know the feeling right now. This may make it a timely process connecting should I win any bids but, we'll get it done,,, eventually. (I don't really know values as I'm not a collector per say; so feel free message me if I'm low-balling you.)
Q8 Rusty Machete maxdmg blue inscr = 2a
Crude Axe Q9 15^50 = 30e
Tribal Shield Q8/16 gold inscr motivation = 4a
IGN: Bowie Clone
Seeing as how it's been reported that some chests appear after a foe is found and/or is slain; it's at least possible a chest could appear in an area you've already searched. At the very least the direction you start from could make finding some chests more problematic.
It also occurs to me to wonder that if foes and objects can be a trigger for chests to appear; what kind of interactive objects and other things serve as a trigger. A NPC? An active Bounty?
I think I'll tinker with a few things as I have time.
In the past month I've seen 3, q0 max damage spears sell for 35e each. Each spear took about a week+ to sell.
Edit to add: these spears were = Purple Windblade Spear / Purple Spiraling Spear / Blue Tribal Spear
This could affect the value but, likely not all that much.
Jacqui's Aegis (Tactics)
and / or
Victo's Bulwark (Strength)'s_Bulwark
Price = a free space in my inventory (I only kept them in case somebody needed them.) You can have one or both.
My IGN: Bowie Clone (As I seldom have much time to play, send me your IGN and I'll get on when I'm near a computer to see if you're available.)
I'd say, somewhere around the area of The Falls. Mainly to recreate where I live now.
I don't live in a house now, I live in a small (8x16 ft) cabin I built myself. It's on the mountainside of a triangular property with a stream running along one side and a creek on another. I've become spoiled by the sound of running water.
With a bit of climbing I can get to the small (6 1/2 ft height) waterfall on the very western most tip of my land. My somewhat chilly summertime shower with 50-55 degree water. (Once you get over the initial shock , it's quite pleasant.)
Vampiric Shadow Blade of Fortitude (q13) = 8e
IGN: Bowie Clone
so I got a few ideas in mind. But I'm very open to ideas. What does the community have in mind
My answer will be somewhat different than most would ask for, but something many would like. Pre-Searing, rolling countryside, beautiful streams, butterflies, flowers, trees, grassland; the general beauty of nature. While not something the developers originally intended, they'd done such a good job there arose the perma-pre-searing characters.
I began playing Guild Wars in the first preview weekend event and left the game as Nightfall was still rather new. I returned as a very casual player when I had a bit of free time about 2 years ago. (Yeah, there were many changes to the game.) Shortly after my return I left pre-searing; your question makes me understand why. With little money I'd moved halfway across the country to the Ozarks and forged my own IRL pre-searing with axe in hand and strength of will. The Red Buds are in bloom as spring begins. For those still stuck wherever they are, give them the gift of pre-searing.
The mundane tasks they'll be assigned in pre-searing (whatever it's called) will be mostly irrelevant, it'll be the scenery that'll speak to them. While a huge task in itself, perhaps you can exceed what was done by accident. Maybe even add the seasonal changes in an ideal-like way if such a task can be accomplished.
Be careful when asking a question, I ask for grand things.
#7 = 30e
IGN: Bowie Clone
IGN: Bowie Clone
let the memory live again
hale staff head
staff wrapping of fortitude
shield handle of fortitude
Force of will.
I live a lifestyle romanticized by many while being harsh in reality.
#24- q0 max dmg spears (8-12dmg) (x2)
30e each
IGN: Bowie Clone
If it's simply the Dead Swords you want, may I suggest Fahranur, The First City as a good farming spot in HM. The Relentless Corpses drop a fair number of them and it's a rather easy run. Other than a few Ridgeback Skale with Agonizing Chop while getting there, it's rather quick and easy. There are traps in the building but, they're easily avoided.
As for ancient builds however, an old 55 Monk/Dervish is what I've most often used there.
Shield of Judgement
Shield of Absorption
Mystic Regeneration
Protective Spirit
Blessed Signet
Balthazar's Spirit
Blessed Aura
Watchful Spirit
with 8 Smiting Prayers / 9 Protection Prayers / 10 Divine Favor / 9 Earth Prayers with the usual Runes / Equipment.
With my old guild, I always had a few q9 Dead Swords on hand for anybody that wanted one; I gave away 50-ish over time. It always seemed to me as I did the run, that the quality of items and number of Gold drops went up as you made your 2nd and 3rd runs. (If you try the farming run, let me know if you get the same impression on the quality and quantity of drops or if I'm just imagining it.)
"Stumbled upon the Half Moon finishing Wisdom. What's with the 15% -1energy regen?"
There is no inscription or mod that's the equivalent; Zealous Strength = very OS. A similar inherent mod could also be found with +15 -1 Health Regeneration = Vampiric Strength. As far as I know they always have a 14% to 15% damage bonus.
I'm not well versed on prices but, it's not a common mod and as such may have some value to the right buyer.
I figured while it was a cold wet day to post a update. I have a warrior and like all warriors, some areas just inflict so much blindness that he seldom hits anything and removing blindness only to have it applied again was = frustration. I ended up making a build based on Illusionary Weaponry so that at least I could deal a bit of damage and be somewhat useful.
As irony would have it the warrior's name is Bowie The Blind.
Illusion Magic 12
Strength 12 and Head Gear +1 with Minor Rune +1 = 14
Tactics or Domination Magic or Inspiration Magic 3 (Depending on substitute skills used)
Illusion of Weakness = (As a safety net and the +5 armor bonus while Illusionary Weaponry is in effect) (Additionally the sudden loss of health can draw the attention of some foes taking a bit of pressure off the team) (Illusion of Weakness can be used as a cover enchantment but, it's 10 energy makes this very difficult)
Signet of Stamina = (For an extra 283 health - since I don't actually hit anything it stays active)
Illusionary Weaponry (34 damage per swing)
Sunspear Rebirth Signet
Disarm = (It doesn't need to hit anything to work) (Distracting Blow could also be used)
Lion's Comfort or Either Signet = (In heavy damage areas Lion's Comfort does charge up fairly quickly allowing a sometimes needed healing boost)
Tiger Stance = (My attacks do not fail to hit with Illusionary Weaponry so it stays active)
Flurry = (Has no damage reduction effect due to Illusionary Weaponry being the damage source) (In damage heavy areas Flail or Rush can be substituted as well as Riposte) (Signet of Clumsiness, Signet of Disruption, Signet of Distraction and, Ether Signet are also a good substitute and reduces the energy pressure from occasional protracted battles)
Sentinel Insignia on all armor (However when using Signet of Clumsiness I use a Stonefist Insignia on my gloves)
Rune of Superior Vigor / Minor Rune of Strength / 2 Runes of Vitae / Warrior Rune of Superior Absorption
I use a Strength Shield with a "Luck of the Draw" Inscription and +45 health W/e (A backup switch to a simple +30 health in case it's needed)
Wintergreen Sword with Sword Pommel of Fortitude +30, "I have the Power" Inscription and, a Furious Sword Hilt (Somewhat useful in heavy damage areas)
Primarily tested in Prophet's Path where it proved quite useful against many of the foes found there.
The build allows for high health and armor at the same time. While normally it's not a high damage build, in a few areas where it's not practical to try and remove blindness it does increase average damage. Overall it's not quite a super build but, it's useful in a few areas as well as being a fun build. During Zaishen Bonuses of those areas I've enjoyed the reactions of other players I've teamed up with as well.
No need to tell me what I'm full of, trust me I've been told already.
150e = Wroth's Holy Rod