Posts by Lockpickguy2…new_challenger/

    Hi All,

    I played guild wars from release up until the release of gw2; in which I didn’t play, but left gw altogether at that time. I’ve recently returned a few weeks ago...

    I used to love merching in droknars forge, and left my characters with a few very nice items before I quit. Upon returning, I found out that my items are worth est 500-1000 arms (or 37500-75000 ecto, or 150m plat - 300m plat) as of today. I found this ridiculous as I think my old net worth was less than 1 mil (I kind of forget, it’s been 10+yrs).

    The hyper inflation makes me sad because the economy doesn’t even make sense anymore. It’s funny standing in kamadan seeing everyone with obby and chaos gloves (it’s not even cool anymore because more people have chaos gloves than don’t!, you look like losers!). I feel like the inflation made end game armor worthless. Additionally, it made anything moderately farmable worthless. In my opinion (insert comments here) ectos, plat, zkeys, arms, vs, bds, eblades, etc are worth 0 to me. I bet botters have inventories full of vs bds and froggys.

    This is when I start trawling through forums and found iamablackbeltman’s posts. You guys flamed the shit out of him, but I thoroughly enjoyed the read (and agree with him!). He has probably recouped much of his “loss” (shame on you non-believers), but what he and the rest of you probably weren’t counting on is A NEW CONTENDER! What happens to his net worth if I replicate his actions? I’m no economics expert, but I feel it is like a pyramid scheme, where he will get richer and I will get “poorer”, however if a 3rd contender arrives, I will make a comeback, and so on...

    My questions to you iamablackbeltman are: - how did you convert ambraces to ectos? - to confirm, this technique needs you to sell ectos to merchant to pull gold out of the game, and then buy something else non farmable? - what if you bought lockpicks and trashed them instead of holding them? - what do you mean by your actions will take 5000 trades of 100k for ecto to reverse?

    ***the fact that you can also get an easy 20e every week from nicks set is upsetting to me as well! This in itself shows how messed up the economy is and how worthless ectos really are