Posts by Arnold Vavrek
seems like, few minutes ago did pm someone has a simillar r10 amber as you had, and did ask 5 a for it
Wtb R9 Tac Os Shields with +45 we -2 we in this mod order. Leave a message with a price here or pm me ingame.
Ign: Hanah Sin
If you ask me, my opinion is: The price of the armbraces has inflated very high. So as i see the things this did change the prices for every item in the game. So what i think, 80 e max is not real, because its still a r10 shield with perfect mods. An armbrace is currently beetwen 105 and 115 e. So that 80 e is not even an armbrace. I would more say 5-10 arms for the r10. And since i dont want to lowball anyone i can agree with the others. The Amber Aegis is maybe its botted as many other items in the game but its still rare to find one, and more rarer to find one with good/matching/perfect mods. An ideal price would be 20-30 arms depends on seller/buyer for a r9.
Many players like the Echovald skin, and i clearly remember when i did buy my R9 tac echo with double ench mods almost a year ago. That was exactly 60 arms what i did pay for it then. Now i see a simillar Echovald in the sale section with a 30 arms c/o. Maybe the Echovald is a more wanted skin but i dont think in the current market it is worth 60 arms. Otherwise when i did buy my echovald 1 arm was around 50 e.
So in total what i think you got a bit fooled, or your friend do not know prices too well.
Also i think in the whole game there is not a single thing what can be priced exactly. All depends on the market: Wtb<>Wts.
If anyone got 1 amber what i did mention i would like to buy it, so feel free to message me
Bump. 11 hours and 41 mins left
Hello, i do want to buy a r9 tac amber aegis +45 we -2 we, and i am interested in what price they are going, or what should i pay for one?
Thank you for the help.
Bump. Did remove r/b and b/o due started a new package and need space. Auction will end at 2021.12.17. Friday at 00.00.
The package will be delivered for the winner Saturday
bump. did set r/b and b/o.
Bump. r/b b/o coming soon.
q9 tac +45we -2we
Bump. Still way to go.
Bump. Added something special Delivered stuff, pending delivery for Oni. 2021.12.06.
Bump. Updated with some new stuff. Rupt leave your ign please, otherwise i cannot contact you.
Bump. Leave your offer and your ign for easyer contact please.
Ahh, didnt notice just visualized 15^50 there :'D thanks.
Bump. Added some new stuff. Pending delivery for Rogue and Obsidian.
Hello, i would need a price check on this. Its non max dmg for r7, but since i didnt see 1 like this before i am wondering if its worth something or not?
Thank you.
Bump. Trying to deliver today for you Obsidian and Rogue. Fresh stuff coming.
200e. Ign Hanah Sin
Yes i have cable internet, the internet provider just updated the system few weeks ago to fiber glass cable, and everything was smooth in game.
Since today i just get huge lagspikes. No internet issue from me. What is going on?