Posts by seeu678
wts Q8 longsword 15/50:
q7 longsword
Q7 long sword
Closed please
Sold Falon and Jade bow.
Add new items: Q8 jade longbow + 5energy
wts Q8 ceremonial dagger 15/50
Update jade long bow
1.Q8 celestial sword +5energy: B/O: 750a
Q8 chaos axe 15/stance
Selling unded panda
wtb unded zippy
3 update weapon!
My IGN: Askyroth Lly
2A sold
SOLD. Your IGN offline,I cant whisper you. So sold.
your IGN
****MOD EDIT--you are allowed to bump ONCE every 24 HOURS!!!-PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules--if you need to comment before then, EDIT your last (or top post)---posts merged---MOD EDIT****