Posts by Clothaire
Up, If anyone can help me
I found this shield in the Hell's Precipice I have no idea if I have a worthless skin or if I can get some ecto with, if someone can help me.
(Thank you in advance)
Hello can you help me please ?
hello I have many object but I do not know how much its cost.
Can you help me ?
Bump ,if no one offers, Cloud Strife will have the weapon in 24 hours.
Bump ,if no one offers, obsidian will have the weapon in 24 hours.
Hello guys!
I walk around (again) when I opened a chest and find his, it's a good drop ?
Hello guys.
I'd like to sell this shield (but how much
EDIT (merged by mod) Skin sold to Cloud for 3a
***mod edit--do NOT bump your thread to close it, by doing this you are pushing an open thread off of the first page. In the future ADD closed to your first post. PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules---posts merged, thread closed--mod edit***
Hello guys!
I walk around when I opened a chest and find his, nice drop?
Hello there !
an idea of the price ?