Looking for +45we, +10 vs Ogre.
Interested in non-perfect stats too
Any skin
Any req
Pm me what you've got or leave a comment here
Looking for +45we, +10 vs Ogre.
Interested in non-perfect stats too
Any skin
Any req
Pm me what you've got or leave a comment here
1000e ornate
16e chaos
850e ornate
13e chaos axe
21e zodiac axe
bump added video link
b/o on:
os cele daggs
deldrimor talismans
book of secrets
el macabre
6e cele sword
9e chaos
16e zodiac
1e jade
1e gothic dual
750e ornate
come at me IvoryR
s/b on cele daggs and hammer
1e on both darkwings
back again; 1e on the celestial +5 hammer and daggs
5e chaos
1e zodiac
1e celestial axe
1e celestial sword
Doing HM EOTN Speedbooking.
Runs take around 12 mintues per book.
My builds are personalized versions of the generic speedbooking builds online to get the best possible times.
Here's a video of how fast I can do it solo; with players - add an extra minute for extra loading times and slow resigns.
1e each on the celestial sword, axe, hammer, demon shield, q9 tac gothic
Links aren't working man, upload directly to the site Working now
Last clue is that there is no 5th npc and OP is trolling us all
Lol ok ok time for a clue
I've looked at this upwards of half a dozen times now. I can see two things which are GW related but that I wouldn't consider NPC's as such (presumably you're using that term loosely), one thing which appears to have been placed artificially but has nothing to do with GW and one thing which might be something but I'm not sure because I can't quite determine what it actually is.
I have been given 4 answers by more than one person
I'm using the term NPC as how the game specifies them.
If you're looking at the very top box that's just a picture of a dog that was already printed on the box lol
Not impossible,
just need to dig a little deeper.
I'll put another clue up later,
before this turns ResidentSleeper.
Actually there is a stationary pug outside of Kaineng in a water trough ;p Otherwise not really
Oh wow never saw him before. Glad I didn't as a kid because his neck is scarily long
I know its the hush puppy!!!
(there isnt a hush puppy npc I hope----)
Lol no are there even dogs in gw? I've never thought about it...
Wolves don't count
Hound of Balthazar are but they're magical so I won't count them...
#4 is a little tricky if you haven't done the questline.
People are getting close to the answer for #5
You can still enter if your a judge I don't mind. Unless its seen as an act of bribery lol... Up to you guys
Oh and message me the answers so other people can guess ;P
There are 5 NPCs in this picture. Can you name them all?
I'll reveal the answers towards the end of the competition ;P
First one to name them gets some ectos:1-4 gets 10e each. Name all 5 and get 250e!*
Message me the answers so other people can keep guessing
All the ectos have now been claimed, pretty quickly after I gave out the clues congrats to Ewilan!!!!
Clues for #5:
People would mistake him for a Mursaat if he wasn't so chatty.
He only says hello during a full moon.
He can be found in Elona and Tyria, but not Cantha.
If you want to see him, you must visit alone.
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]1 - Xunlai Chest (bottom left)[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]2 - W[/font][font="Hind, sans-serif"]anted[/font][font="Hind, sans-serif"] [/font][font="Hind, sans-serif"]b[/font][font="Hind, sans-serif"]y the Shining Blade (top right)[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]3 - KT29-Moahawk (top left)[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]4 - Elegant Sarcophagus (bottom right)[/font]
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]5 - Buried Corpse (he's invisible!)
Had a lot of fun with this and got some smart guesses for #5. Feel very cheeky but hey, they're all technically counted as NPCs ;P
Congrats to the winners and good luck everyone with those grawls!
Happy holidays!
1700e for the wooden buckler. Let's dance max
3a seohis
1e everything else
120e on the q9 gothic +45 +10 demon
10e on the q10 +10 -2 gothic
Interested in the following; 24, 25, 27, 29, 30. 25e for all. Plus b/o on ceratadon.
10e each on the cele sword and bladed shield
10e on the q10 demon gothic
10e on the -2 +10 echo
ill put 10e on the echo
b/o on both the gothic dual axes please