Posts by Chad Warden
Q9 Earth Bo Staff 20/10
worth 80e to you?
I've got a q13. How about 12e for it?
q12 death Dragon Staff 20/20 Death - bo
q13t Echovald Shield +10 pierce, +41wE - bo
Amber Aegis Q9 Str +10vsSlashing +41wEnch 4e
q10 earth Dragon Staff - 188e
Bo Staff Smite - rb
Bo Staff Divine -rb
You can have my Stonebreaker for 6e
I've sold some 20/10 Dragon Staff for 10+ e , no matter the req. Agree on rest.
sold a q9 FC 20% hct dom singlemod for 50e a month ago
#32 6e
#33 6e
Scarabshell Aegis q9 Com - 7e
Suntouched Shield q9 Mot - 7e
Kamas q4 5-11 15^ench - 1e
Dragon Staff q10 Curses 20/10 -1e
Dragon Staff q10 Spawning 20/10 -1e
Gothic Defender q9 Str -20% Weakness/+44^stance - 1e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac -20% Cripple/+42^ench - 1e
..if still available. Hit me up
r9 Gothic Axe 14/-1e 1e
added some focus items
Reserving rights to sell ingame, via pm or not at all.
Gold OS Shields
Echovald q10 str -3 hex +45^st
Diamond Aegis q10 str +10 vs Demons -5/19
Ornate Shield q10 str +1 heal/19
Celestial Shield q10 tac +29 +1 smite/20
Bronze Shield q13 tac +10 vs Demons +1 Illusion/19
Iridescent Aegis q13 tac +10 vs Blunt -5/19
Gloom Shield q12 tac +44^ench -5/19
Bladed Shield q10 str +1dm/20 +3^hex
Round Shield q12 tac +10 vs Lightning -5/19
Tall Shield q9 tac +42^ench -2^ench
Gold OS Martial Weapons
Wingblade Sword e+5
Dragon Kamas 15^stance
Dragon Kamas 14^ench
Celestial Daggers 15^stance
Salient Dagger 7-16 15^50
Runic Axe 15^50
Gothic Axe 15^50
Fellblade 15^ench
Fellblade 14^ench
Celestial Axe 6-27 15^st
Mammoth Axe 15^50
Mammoth Axe 15^st
Gemstone Axe 15/-5SOLDGothic Sword e+5
Gothic Sword 15^st
Katana 15^stSOLDPlatinum Blade 15^ench
Gothic Sword 15^st
Gothic Sword 15^ench
Crenellated Sword 15^st
Crenellated Sword 15^ench
Platinum Sickles 15^50
Cleaver e+5 (canthan)
Battlepick 15^st
Gilded Daggers 15^50
Chromium Shards 15^50
Platinum Longbow 15/-10
Fellblade 15/-10
Fellblade 15^enchSOLDGothic Sword 15^ench
Gothic Sword 15^st
Kris Daggers 15^st
Halo Axe 15^50
Clossal Pick e+5
Chaos Axe e+5
Katana e+5
Gold OS Caster Weapons
Paper Fan (Div) 10 hct spells +10 vs Fire
Paper Fan (SR) +44^ench +10 vs Blunt
Protective Icon 9 hct spells +10 vs Plants
Idol hct (blood) 20 ar+5^ench
Bo Staff (Comm) 20/10
Air Staff 20/20
Clairvoyant Staff 20/20SOLDBone Staff 20/20
Platinum Staff (curses) 20/10
Platinum Staff (div) 20/10
Platinum Staff (earth) 20/10
Conjuring Staff 20/10
Wailing Staff 20/10
Celestial Scepter (chan) hct air 19 hrt spells 9
Celestial Scepter (div) hrt spells 9 e+5^ench
Platinum Wand SP 10 hrt e+5^ench
Platinum Wand (smite) e+4^50 hrt 10
Jade Wand (div) hsr (dm) 20 hct 10
Earth Staff (crystallized) 20/10
Bo Staff (curses) 20 (blood) 20
Bo Staff (air) 20/9
Earth Staff (core) 20/10
Eerie Staff (Comm) 20/10
Hypnotic Scepter (illu) 15/-1 hct illu/19
Voltaic Wand (es) hct earth/20 e+5^<50
Spawning Wand 20 hct comm e+5^50
Holy Branch (div) 20/10
Storm Artifact hct 19(air) +10vs cold
Plagueborn Scepter (smite) hrt spells 10 e+5^50
Dragon Staff (fire) 20/9
Holy Staff 20/10
Dragon Staff (chan) 20/10
Eternal Flame wand (div) hrt spells 10 e+5^50
Draconic Scythe 20e
Saurian Scythe 15e
Zodiac Daggers 25e
Runic Blade 15e
Fanged Sword 10e
Sephis Axe 10e
Gemstone Axe 8e
Ancient Axe 4e
Shinobi Blade 30e
Igneous Blade 5e
Platinum Broadsword 4e
Elemental Sword 8e (q10 3e, q11,12,13 2e)
Icy Blade Axe 5e (q11,13 2e)
Fiery Blade Axe 5e
Azure Shortbow 4e
Caged Shortbow 3e
Ivory Bow 3e
Pyrewood Staff 10e
Platinum Staff sp 8e
Platinum Wand div 6e
Dragon Spire Staff 6e (q10,13 2e)
Suntouched Staff sp 3e
Pyroclastic Axe 5e
Dual Winged Axe 3e
Dead Sword 3e
Gothic Axe 2e
Ungula Axe 3e
GOTT + minis + mods
4e x 150
unded minis
7e ea
Zhu Hanuku
Eye of Janthir
5e ea
Mad King Thorn
White Rabbit
Beast of Aaargh
5k ea
Burning Titan
Palawa Joko
3k ea
Mods (got several of each)
Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 5e
Bow Grip of Deathbane 5e
Vamp for Bow/Axe/Sword/Dagger 2e
Zeal for Bow/Axe/Sword 3e
20/20 for Sword/Axe/Dagger 3e
Furious for Sword/Axe/Dagger 2e
insc -2^st 2e
Amber 13 str +2/demons 75e
got an Exalted insc tac left?
Amber q13 str -2ench +10 Demon 35e
Amber q13 str -2ench +10 Demon 20e
Amber q12 tac +45ench +10 Fire 45e