1588 hours, 37 minutes on 135 months. On my main.
2624 hours 31 minutes on 135 months across all characters.
Posts by Emma Indoril
Like i say, i' m an old donkey... all the special features you mention, can be done from other manners. Pinging my skill bar to send it to my partners ? Can be done in game !
Sorry, i'm not fan of this kind of service...
Free ? Nothing in the world is free. Facebook is free, but you pay with your personal data, so you are a product.
I fear the same with discord (what a reaaaaally good choice of name !!!) The first dose is free, like heroin...Soory, i will not join. But you can call me in game, when i'm in game ! (not sure i repond, because of my bad english :p )
So Discord is the same thing than Mumble+IRC ? Playing in a web browser, but not open source ?
I ve got a mumble server, which i pay, means no adverstasing. An in which i can type message text, send links and manage, as i want. And i have a web brower which can open any web pages in the world.Sorry if i'm an old donkey, but what the point ?
What Discord have more than i already have ? (Ok, mumble dont work on Android and Ios, but who cares ?)
I m interrested too, i just fail (twice) in my walk to survivor r3.
Progressing to several will be more fun than alone.
I often play at night, I try the Zaishens missions and speedbooking. (well its more slowbooking...)English is not my language but i do my best.
The best way to go solo, in my opinion, is to begin with Nightfall, because you can grab heroes.
After you can continue with EOTN, for heroes, and PVE skills.
For rise in level, i suggest you to do the Zaishen Quest, speedbooking and capturing the élites in the same time. (when possible)
You can gain xp, money and stuff. And if you're skilled (and lucky) you can rise yor survivor title.For the class, its a liitle bit complicated. We all have our préferences.
I play warrior, which is good to lead a party, but useless in many situation.A necromencer is versatile, passe-partout, i like to play in combinaison, with another MM.
A friend of mine play Ele/rit, and it seems to be a good combination.Nowadays, it seems that the combinaison of Assassin/rit, or A/env is in the mood...
I nevers play Assassin, and i have a mesmer, that i play from time to time.
Hope it help you.
PS: why don't you join a guild ?
This brings our total amount of servers to 3, being Aidan, Cynn and Devona.I advise you not to name a server "Rurick", things could happen....
I m a guy, Kevin... :p
i just want to understand :
What happens in Anet after Nightfall ?We have a company who have made a good game, good mechanics, great univers, and, suddently, they give up, and made a theme park extension (GWEN).
Whats happens ? they loste their minds ? the founding fathers suddently go mad ? They all lost their balls at the same times ?
Or inflated by pride and greed, corrupted by the Great Evil Capitalism :p , they lost their mind and decide to give up GW1 and raise a new child : GW2This is mistery for me !
I have tried to dl a mod, and, yes, it works !
You are a real genius, Kevin ! You do nothing, and it works ! :p
I suggest that we call him "Mast3r of th3 S3rv3r" -
So is it a crazy idea?Oh, yes, definitively ! I love it !
Would it make sense for them financially?
Nope !
Wait... perhaps !Quote
Would it draw more of the GW2 crowd to the original, or maybe new players in general as a new game?Dont know, dont care, hope it !
My goods fellows, make better textures, better 3d models, better animations (the Lich and Shiro are sooooo ridiculous !), and extend the campaign to other countries, this is a dream, a child dream !
Unfortunally, i'm 40 !
But i dont care ! I think thers so much to do, to say about GW !
I want to write a new campaign, taking place before the Searing, with a system of frontiere between places occupied by the Charrs and those wo are kept by Humans (Kuku/Lulu's styles).
i'd love to see the Shiverpeaks before the conflict between the Dwarves, explore Borlis without the storm...There was so much to do, so many avenues to explore, so many unusual equipment, so many gaps to fill ...
I have been so dispointed by GWEN (boring circle farming) and GW Beyond (Dispite somme very good ideas, the difficults was aberrant !! :s )
And when i finaly tasted GW2, i look at myself like i am finally cheated !So, i dont think that Anet will, one day, released the GW that they initially want, their child dream is gone...
Unless a burst of pride, and find their balls, we never seen this, instead of doing it by ourselfs !! (Impossible is not French, you know that ?)
Sorry for my bad english !
This new theme is surprising ! I like it ! It seems also a little more quicker than the dark one.
Thanks you, Kevin. -
Hello all !
I was trying to re-up the files "Borderless Cartography Made Easy" from 2015. Because the original seem to be broken.
But, it is impossible. i fill all the form, and send the request.
The forum run and run and run, but nothing happens !
May be because im in europa ?
Or maybe is it my computer... dont know.
but the original download was made by Kevin, so, it would be better to repair the broken link itself.Its a good think that we have a download section.
Thank you !
go to Reddit ! -
Forgive me if i'm off topic, but... what is "the AMA" ?
It is also the Tag of my guild, and as the taulier, i'm curious :p
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I'm Emma Indoril. No relatives or no relationship with Nerevar Indoril, I'm just his reincarnation.
(Did i really wrote this ?)I play Guild Wars since December 2005. I made many pauses since. I used to ragequit, since i still understand how to play... When nightfall came out !
I still love the game, my favourite event is Halloween, and Wintersday ! But since Anet remove the kids, and the poping gifts in Lions Arch, this event became boring...
Il always play PVE, i made a test in PVP. ONCE !
My objectives is to become indomitable survivor, and Skill Hunter of Tyria, and if the servesr are not close down since, Skill hunter on the other chapters.
I hope to become Carthographers on the three chapters.I play when i'm in mood. Often alone, or with friends.
I used to make a series of you tube video with a friend.
We still hope to continue, when life...And, detail : Je suis Français !