Posts by Anur
Thank you all.
Thanks for the offer.
added Daggers
Thanks dude.
Are there any other opinions?
Zodiac Shield - Q11 Tactic - +30hp / -2^stance
Zodiac Staff - Q10 Domination - Halves casting time of spells 10%
Zodiac Staff - Q12 Earth - Halves casting time of spells 10%
Earth Staff - Q9 Earth - Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells 20%
Zodiac Scepter - Q9 Soul Reaping
There was a mistake with the shield, it's only +42hp^stance.
Hey there,
I'm selling the following. Don't blame me, it's my first post
Zodiac Shield - Q11 Tactic - +30hp / -2^stance
Korambits - Q5 - 6-13 (max. dmg) - insc.
SOLD in game
Zodiac Axe - Q10 - +5e
Vertebreaker - Q11 - 15^50
Oni Blade - Q10 - 15^50 (2x)
Dragoncrest Axe - Q9 - 15^50Dragoncrest Axe - Q10 - 15^stance
Gothic Sword - Q9 - 15^stance
War Hammer (lion skin) - Q9 - 15^50
War Hammer (spiked skin) - Q10 - 15^stance
Zodiac Staff - Q10 Domination - Halves casting time of spells 10%
Zodiac Staff - Q12 Earth - Halves casting time of spells 10%
Earth Staff - Q9 Earth - Halves casting time of Fire Magic spells 20% | C/O 5e
Zodiac Axe - Q9
Zodiac Axe - Q10
Exalted Aegis - Q9 TacticZodiac Scepter - Q9 Soul Reaping - C/O: 1e
Kanaxai's Axe
(2x)Kanaxai's Edge
(5x)Kanaxai's Mallet (3x)
Totem Axe
Asterius' Scythe
Hahan's Oath
Rotwing Recurve Bow
2x Destructive Focus (Curses)
Zoldark's Focus
Dwayna's GraceIronwing Flatbow
Woe SpreaderClaw of the Forgotten
Jadam's SpearNeoli's Contagion
StormrayCyndr's Heart
The Purifier
Tattered FanZarnas' Wrath
Forgotten Shield (Command)
Dzabel's Hornbow
Murakai's Maul
Fendi's Focus
IGN: Anur Darvesh