Hey guys, recently got back into the game after a long, long break. Started with a fresh account as I no longer have the credentials to my previous account and GW Support has been suuuuper slow in replying.
Anyway, I've rolled a new W in honor of my OG character from release 
I'm having issue getting max stat shields and weapons. I purchased a green axe for a couple k which is way way cheaper than what golds and some purples seem to be going for in game.
Anybody have any green shields with +30hp for sale? My gold is currently pretty limited as I just got my armor set from Droknars.
Lemme know what you got and how much (cheaper/less rare ones would be preferred)
Thanks in advance!
Jacqui's Aegis (Tactics)
and / or
Victo's Bulwark (Strength)
Price = a free space in my inventory (I only kept them in case somebody needed them.) You can have one or both.
My IGN: Bowie Clone (As I seldom have much time to play, send me your IGN and I'll get on when I'm near a computer to see if you're available.)
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Oh wow, that is very kind thank you sir.
Damn I remember Victo's Bulwark now! Remember running echo nuke back in the day farming for that and his axe
good memories.
Again, thank you so much. My in-game name is Whitepony Nz
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