Thanks for the replies. I'll go collect my 58 gold from the merchant along with a few others like this that's been taking up storage space
Posts by gwmacdaddy
Anyone collect stuff like this, or is this just trash?
WTS Prenerf OS q8 Amber Longbow +5 energy.
If R/B met, bidders will have 24 hours to bid until sold. Offers will bump this time and reset timer. If reserve is not met, it will go back into the vault and I might find something else to sell.
C/O = 350a Adar Galand
R/B = ?
EDIT: sold some stuff to get more funds, 42.0a Gothic defender
20a Gothic defredr
Hello to All,
Selling the below items. No reserve at the moment, but will update as much as possible and set a reserve at a later date.
I am also willing to do item trades. You can message me here or send me a message in game at IGN: M A C D A D D Y
Additionally, I may add some more items to sell after these.
Q8 Jeweled Staff (Twin Serpent Skin) Illusion - Dual Mod 9% HSR / 20% Dazed
C/O = 12a Cute
Q8 Plagueborn Staff Curses - Dual Mod 19% HSR Domination / 10% HCT
C/O = 25a Savage Bubba
*** CONTEST ***
Person with the best curses / domination build wins a special prize. Send me your build in game @
q11 shadow blade 5e
8a destroyer
bump r/b added to all items
Bump added items
sup vigor 13a
sup vigor 8a
sup vigor 5a