Posts by Snoop Snail
Style 4 for me, i actualy have a background in graphic design, and when type setting they drill into you to make it look nice and not have any "cliffs" or "rivers". Cliffs being text that will stick out at the end of a line, and rivers being words that line up to leave conecting gaps inbetween words.
Style 316 armor (requires 9 tactics)
+10armor vs fire damage-2 physical damage while enchanted <-------- HUGE CLIFF
maybe im being pandantic... but im the sorta guy that will cringe at bad design......
all down to personal choice though -
q8 focus are a hard market, mainly only interest collectors. People try to get 10e for a q8 blue one Only to see it never sell. I’ve bought a fair few gold q8s. Ranging heavily in price. I am interested in this one as well. I’ve payed anywhere from 10e to 50e for this sort of thing. I still have the top bid of a few on this forum and have 0 reason to raise it cos there is no other interest. The only q8 gold focus I saw get any traction was a q8 Dom chakram and even then that took a few months to get any interest at all. So it all depends how quickly... or if you even want to sell it at all... but like I say I’m interested so hit me up if you don’t feel like putting it up for auction
14-20 max for q7, doubt anyone would be interested in this. Merch food
Bump, merched some stuff, added a few new things, lowered the r/b and b/o on allot of things!
16/Q9 Round Shield (TAC) -3/hex +1 prot (20%)
5e -
Yea allot of people try to get 400e/10a for a q8 SWS or SSS... but honestly they rarely get this, a few SWS and SSS passed through my pockets, i managed to get most of them for around 200-220e.... so it all depends how quick u want to sell it.
NEW q13t Echovald Shield +1/20% Divine, +30 - 2a
would you also be interested doing a deal including these 2:
q7t/15ar Tall Shield - gold
NEW! q7 (14-25) Hornbow (dragon) -
q12 Magmas Shield 1/20 Smite, -2wE - 15e if u still have it
q7 hornbow - 1a
Lowered r/b on demon exalted slightly cos i wona get rid of it
- listed allot that will be MERCHED soon, i will let these go cheap/below r/b or they will be merched soon.
q10 Channeling Cripple Zodiac Staff, let me know if your interested
5e on the butterfly sword
Shame its not 14-20 -
Hey i currently have this listed on my WTS, if it interests you let me know
Reinforced Buckler (q12 Tactics) +10vUndead, +43hp/e [r/b 15e] - [b/o 25e] -
Yeah i was thinking the same, thanks
I posted this as a joke the other day, was just gona keep it for the hell of it.... but a few people have messaged me and shown some interest, so im was wondering on a price, i know it is a strange/uncommon/bizar drop, no idea what the chances of this sorta thing dropping is, i know its not max, plus it being clean... instead of some ugly unmax inherent. wondering what the rest of the community thinks of it.
bump, added allot of r/b and /bo
Yeah 50-80 sounds about right
If I do r/b for the low req tower shield and barbed axe can I get the hand axe for free?
still no r/b on it, I’ve been waiting
guess il get things started, 80e
5e on the curses plat staff
Its max for its req, though Command isnt as popular as tactics, as they are used in pvp, i would not say its merch food. I actualy bought this exact shield like 3 months ago for 40e.
bump, added some new stuff