I have q5 - q6 and q7 max great conch.
Posts by de mellik boer
Hello guys,
During my journey to get myself the perfect low req daggers I've come across quite a few low req items which I thought some of you might like
. For your ease I've numbered the items (a picture is added to this message).
All of these items are up for auction - the auctioning of these items will work as following:
1. Bidding is only accepted in ecto's or armbraces (a rate of 1a = 38e is used to calculate rivaling bids in different currencies).
2. Items will only be sold if there is a serious bid (this differs per items - I withhold the right to not sell an item if there is no serious bid)
3. After receiving a serious bid the item will stay up for auction for 48 hours - or until someone else offers more in which case the 48 hours will restart
4. After 48 hours of not receiving any higher bids than the last one (in case it is deemed serious) the item will be sold to the highest bidder
5. The 48 hours are not 100% strict as the times I am offline might differ
Let me know if anything is unclear or if you'd like to see the item in game
ign: tietgoeie assasin
Bump - still looking for a pricecheck if anybody can help me with that
Hey guys, I'd like to know what these daggers could be worth.
Unfortunately 6-12 and not 6-13 and purple but thought they might still be worth something.
Thanks in davance!
Bump - still selling
Selling undedicated miniature Dhuum - only serious offers please
Edit: any offer over 500e will be accepted
You can also whisper me in-game
ign: tietgoeie assasin
I'm selling my Q11 curses bone dragon staff (BDS).
Only serious offers please, I've had to turn down enough merchers in Kamadan already.
Can mod it how you would like. You can either message me through this forum or in game via my ign (displayed near my name).
With kind regards,
Tietgoeie assasin
Selling q11 earth magic frog scepter