Posts by nik
im in the same boat
Inbox or ingame Nik Shinobi
first decent drop from ministerial farming
bump added q6-7 prenerfs
outside yaks bend?
q9 str +10vs demon +45wE plagueborn shield 300 gv 25a
q9 str +10vs demon +45wE plagueborn shield 300 gv 5a
I believe we've all made bad changes at times. I remember selling a q8 insc FDS to nik for 50e or so in Kamadan (i think it was blue) and a few days later someone whispered to me ingame me saying that he had resold it here for more than double and I thought "mdfk!" xD but I don't care shit happens.
And the person i sold it to was paid 4x what i got funny how things work eh
didn't know you already had the item if not