Posts by Abaddons Ele
Just like the title says.
Any ideas?
Bump, no ideas?
Bump, Check out my new Shadow Shield
Hello there,
Im selling my Stuff so have look.
Please don't forget to leave me your IGN so i can contact you.
All bo prices are not fix, i will still sell below if there are no other interests and if the price fits for me.
Q7 15ar Tac blue inscr Spiked Targe
Q11 Str Gothic Defender -2wEnch +30
Q9 Str Amber Aegis -2wEnch +10vsOgre
Q11 Str Shadow Shield +10vsUndead -2wEnch bo 250e
Q12 Tac Gothic Defender +10vsOgre -2wEnch
Q9 Str Gothic Defender +10vsDemons -2wStance
Q13 Tac Gothic Defender +44wStance -3wHex
Q9 Tac Gothic Defender +9vsEarth Reduce Blind 20%
Q11 Str Gothic Defender -3wHex Reduce Weakness 20%
Q9 Tac Ornate Shield +43wEnch +10vsBlunt c/o 10e bo 50e
Q10 Tac Echovald Shield -2wEnch Earth +1/20
Q12 Str Amber Aegis +9vsDemons Prot +1/20
Outcast Shields:
Gothic Defenders
Q13 Str -3wHex +10vsDemons bo 30e
Q13 Tac +10vsDemons -3wHex bo 30e
Q11 Tac +9vsDemons +43wStance bo 20e
Q12 Tac Tactic +1/20% -5/19% bo 10e
Q12 Tac -2wStance +9vsPlants bo 17e
Q12 Tac -2wStance +10vsCold bo 20e
Q13 Tac -5/20 +60wHex bo 15e
Echovald Shields
Q13 Str +10vsEarth -5/20% bo 20e
Q11 Tac +10vsFire +42wStance bo 17e
Q11 Tac +41wStance +10vsLightning bo 15eQ13 Str +9vsLightning -2wEnch bo 50e
Q9 Tac Water +1/19% -2wStance bo 15e
Q12 Tac +28 +9vsLightning bo 70e
Ornate Shields
Q9 Tac -5/19% +10vsOgre bo 10e
Q12 Str +41wStance +10vsDemons co 10e bo 15e
Q9 Tac +29 +10vsCold bo 40e
Q9 Str +9vsDemons -2wStance bo 40e
Amber Aegis
Q13 Tac Blind -20% -2wStance bo 15e
Q9 Str +10vsSlashing +41wEnch co 100e bo 30eQ9 Tac -2wStance +59wHex bo 15e
Q12 Tac -2wEnch +44wEnch bo 70e
Other Shields
Shield of the Wing 15 Def Q9 Tac -5/20% +10vsPiercing co 10e bo 10eOrnate Buckler Q10 Tac +29 -2wEnch bo 100e
Round Shield Q9 Tac -5/19% +44wEnch bo 20e
FDS Q10 +5e bo 20e
Colossal Pick Q13 dual Zealous +15/-1 bo 20eChaos Axe Q9 15^50 bo 40e
Chaos Axe Q9 +15wEnch bo 40e
Chaos Axe Q10 15^50 bo 30e
Fellblade Q10 +15wEnch bo 10e
FDS Q9 +15wEnch bo 20e
Holy Rod Q11 DF HSR 20% Heal HCT 19% Smite bo 10e
Earth Scroll Q12 +30 HCT 9% bo 5e
Cane Q9 Dom HSR 10% HCT 10% bo 10eGolden Pillar Q13 Earth HCT Earth 19% HSR Earth 20%Earth Wand Q10 +5e^50% HCT 10% bo 5e
Marble Hammer Q10 dual vamp co 5e bo 20e
Amber Longbow Q9 dual vamp co 15e bo 15eBramble Hornbow Q10 dual vamp (+14) co 2e bo 10e
Bramble Hornbow Q12 dual vamp (+14) co 2e bo 10e
Blue Water Prism Q8 +12E inscr
Blue Wooden Chakram Q8 +12E inscr
I have some dual vamp weps:
Marble Hammer Q10
Amber Longbow Q12 (+14)
Bramble Hornbow Q10 (+14)
Bramble Hornbow Q12 (+14)
Pm if u are interested
Greetings, Abaddons
I have a Echovald Q13 Str +30 2-wStance.
Pm if you are interested
Greetings, Abaddons