Posts by ondenoire
#01 4a
#07 6a
#08 6a
#25 4a
hello there
i need some PCs please
Gloom Shield
q8 post nerf
q9 DF OS Plagueborn focus
thanks a lot guys
see ya !!
Heya asking for a PC for this shield plz
Hey all,
Hope you have spend a good day
wanted to get a price check on some items that dropped
1) Plagueborn Q12 str +45wE +10vsOgres
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2) Plagueborn scepter q9 channeling HSR 10% +5e(wE)
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3) bo staff water q10 20-10
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4)butterfly sword q9 15^wE
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5)celestial axe q9 +5e
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6)celestial daggers q9 15^50
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7)celestial hammer q9+5e
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8)chromium shards q9 15^50
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9)chromium shards q9 15^wE
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10)clouded maul q9 15^50
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11)purple Dwarven Hammer q9 13^Hex
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12)felblade q9 15^wS
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13)fiery dragon sword q9 15^50
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14)forbiden staff q9 Dom 20-10
15)holy staff q9 DF 20-20
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16)icy dragon sword q9 15^50
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17)jade daggers q9 15^wS
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18)Jade Hammer q9 15^50
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19)jade longbow q9 15^wS
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20)jade sword q9 15^50
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21)jade sword q9 15^wS
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22)long sword q9 15^50
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23)plagueborn maul q9 15^50
24)plagueborn maul q9 15^wE
25)plagueborn maul q9 15^wS
26)plagueborn sword q9 15^Hex
27)plagueborn sword q9 15^wS
28)runic axe q9 15^50
tyvm for all guys
see ya !!
heya i have this one
see ya
thanks all for your lights
will try to sel it at Kama :p
Any idea of the price of this 2 shields ?
thanks a lot.