Posts by Gorbad
Bump, without any further offer the Katana will go to Master
Added :
Bladed Q12 Tactics +28 -2 w/stance
Eternal Flame Wand Q9 DF 20% HSR +5^50
Bump added some martials
I got ornate buckler and tall shields Q8/16 blue inscr
Great conch Q7/15 gold inscr
Ign : Gorbad I
Added some celestials !
Bump, new items added
Q10 Dom 9%/+5^50 Jade Scepter
Q12 Smite 9%/+5 Bellow 50
Q10 Smite 9%/9% Amber Wand
Q9 Illu 20/10 Cockatrice Staff
Q9 Blood Magic 20/19 Cockatrice Staff
Q11 Tact -2/+28 Celestial Shield
Q13 Chan 20/10 Dragon Staff
Q12 Air +15-1/19% death Celestial Scepter
I would apreciate a more precise estimation than the one I have in mind for the shield.
Ornate Shield
Q13 Tactics
+45 ench
Also, should I keep these 3 ?
I'm also looking for some general rules for offhand to apply to my drops for when to merch and when to keep them. Since dual mods are difficult to obtain I don't know whether I should keep all perfect mods or merch all except 20/20. Does someone have some general principles I can apply ?
Thank you very much for your help
Bump, I added some items
I'll contact you IGN for the Grinning
Got a gold one if you still need...
IGN: Gorbad I
Got a Q10 Air Staff lightning spire 20/19 got some inscr too...
Got some GotH but they're inscr so probably not what you looking for
IGN: Gorbad I
Bump !
Added some b/o for indicative purpose
Alright, thanks to you both. I'll probably keep the Jitte, the echovald and put some of them on my heroes to wait for the right buyer.
Would very much appreciate your view on these drops. Are these guys worth anything ?
Posting this one cause of the value...
The rest is on my selling page
RE: WTS OS Items & CC & some shields
Thanks very much for your help
IGN : Gorbad I
I'm buying stacks of:
- Iron
- Dust
- Bones
- Fibers
Feathersenough atmDepending on the price @merch, between buying and selling value
Buying as much as you have.
Thanks all
IGN: Gorbad I
Find bellow the list of items I currently have. List is updated weekly.
Q9 15^stance Shadow Bow
Q9 15^stance Dead Bow
Q9 15^stance Flatbow
Q9 15 we Amber Long Bow
Q9 15 we Composite Bow
Q9 15/-5 Composite Bow
Q9 15/-5 Platinium Longbow
Q9 15/-10 Jade Longbow
Q9 20 while hexed Amber Long Bow
Q9 20 while hexed Zodiac Longbow
Q9 naked Half Moon
Q9 naked Marble Hammer
Q9 15^50 Ram Hammer
Q9 +5e Foehammer c/o 10e
Q9 15 vs hexed Righteous Maul
Q9 15/-10 Wolf Hammer
Q9 15^50 Jade Sword
Q9 15^50 Broadsword
Q9 15 stance Platinum Blade
Q9 15 stance Flamberge
Q9 15 vs hexed Plagueborn
Q9 15 vs hexed Spatha
Q9 15/-5 Gladius
Q9 15/-10 Plagueborn
Q9 15/-10 Flamberge
Q9 naked Katana
Q9 naked Wicked Blade
Q10 DZ Dalchion
Q11 14% DV Wicked Blade c/o 5e
Q12 +5e Fellblade
Q9 15^50 Barbed Battlepick
Q9 15^50 War Axe
Q9 15 we Spiked Axe
Q9 15 we Sickle
Q9 15 vs hexed Gemstone Axe
Q9 15^Stance Archaic
Q9 15/-10 Spiked Axe
Q9 20under50 Hand Axe (canthan)
Q9 15^50 Stilletos
Q9 15^50 Chromium Shards
Q9 15^50 Dragon Kamas
Q9 15^50 Split Chakrams
Q9 15^stance Split Chakrams
Q9 15 vs hexed Gilded Daggers
Q9 15 vs hexed Chromium Shards
Q9 15 vs hexed Kris Daggers
Q9 15 we Gilded Daggers
Q9 15 we Stilletos
Q9 15 we Korambits
Q9 15 we Golden Talons
Q9 15/-5 Kris Daggers
Q9 naked Platinium Sickles
Q9 DF naked Bo Staff
Q9 dom naked Dragon Staff
- 20/10
Q9 DF 20/10 Jade
Q9 DF 20/10 Holy Branch
Q9 DF 20/10 Holy Staff
Q9 fire 20/10 Jade
Q9 earth 20/10 Jade
Q9 air 20/10 Airstaff (metal skin)
Q9 death 20/10 Bone Staff
Q9 death 20/10 Wailing Staff
Q9 illu 20/10 Cockatrice
Q9 illu 20/10 Jeweled Staff
Q9 earth 20/10 Staff (core)
Q9 spawn 20/10 Bo Staff
Q9 dom 20/10 Inscribed Staff
Q9 earth 20/10 Earth Staff (core skin)
Q10 dom 20/10 Platinium Staff
Q11 blood 20/10 Shadow Staff c/o 5e
Q12 com 20/10 Dragon Staff
Q13 air 20/10 Bo Staff
Q13 air 20/10 Dragon Staff
- 20/20
Q9 curse 20/20 Accursed Staff
Q10 death 20/20 Bone Staff
Q11 earth 20/20 Platinium Staff c/o 5e
- 20/19
Q10 spawn 20/19 Dragon Staff
Q11 death 20/19 chan Bo Staff
- Others
Q10 blood 20% cripple Bo Staff
Q9 DF 20% HSR +5^50 Eternal Flame Wand
Q13 DF 10% HCT +5^50 Eternal Flame Wand
Q9 Chan 10% HCT +5we Platinum Wand
Q9 Communing 5 w hexed/10% Jade Wand
Q9 illu 20% HSR +4 while hexed
Q10 Curse 19HSR/10HCT Celestial Scepter b/o 10e
Q10 Communing +5 below 50 10%HCT Platinium Wand
Q12 10/10 Earth Wand
Q12 fire +5we 10%HCT Dragon's Breath Wand
Q13 10%HSR/19%HCT Water Wand
13 15/-1 and 10%HSR Fire Wand
Q9 DF +1/20% Heal 20% Dazed Plagueborn Focus
Q9 DF 19% HSR Prot +42 we Straw Effigy
Q9 +1/20 water 10% HSR Flame Artifact
Q10 water +1 fire +10 while hexed Frost Artifact
Q9 str Defender -3 hex +29hp
Q9 tact 20% Disease +10 lightning Echovald c/o 30e
Q9 tact Stone Summit Shield -2/stance -20% cripple
Q9 tact +45 stance -5/20 Aegis c/o 5eQ9 tact +29 -2 wstance Ornate Buckler
Q10 str -5/20 +10 fire Echovald c/o 15e
Q11 tact -3/+58 Echovald
Q13 tact -2 stance +10 fire Skeleton Shield
Inscr items:
Q8/16 tact Blue Ornate b/o 25e
Q8/16 tact Blue Tall Shield b/o 25e
Q8/15 tact Sun and Moon Shield
Q8/15 tact Skeleton Shield
Feel free to offer/contact for any of the items above
IGN: Gorbad I