bump - new items 03.03.2025 - old items iwll be delivered shortly
Posts by AstaLaVistaBaby
need some ign for items with r/b - sorry pedazz r/b was reached long before - I was half on holiday
igns needed:
last bump - items that reached r/b will be sold in 24h from now on
bump - I will reach out to people who have won the auction
bump - r/b added to all items - leave ingame name please
the 24h timer for items, that reached r/b starts now
thanks for the bids so far - bump
Bump #5 , #7 and #8 still up
Next week new items
bump - will add r/b soon
last up before I start selling stuff so get your last bids in and don't forget you IGN
up added current bids
New Items 03.03.2025 - Old Items Ready for Delivery
sw3: c/o: 20a Mango r/b: 35a
SH1 c/o:
SH2 c/o:
SH3 c/o:
SH4 c/o:
SH5 c/o:
SH6 c/o: 3a gdyb
SH7 c/o:
SH8 c/o: - Sold Ingame
Superior Charr Carvings Set - 120e/Set
Diessa Chalice Set - 5a/Set
Rin Relic Set - 3a/Set
For Pickup - Ready for Delivery
sw4: c/o: 3a MrMekas r/b reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
sh1: c/o: 2a Nirolo r/b: reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
sh2: c/o: 6a Nooice r/b: reached - will be sold soon
sh4: c/o: 10a Elite Trader D r/b: reached - will be sold soon (need ign)
Leave your ingame name please
r/b - new5
Rikku Kramer
a43 - 150e
Rikku Kramer
new5 - 250e
Rikku Kramer
S2 - 10a Rikku Kramer
q8 Longsword 15^stance - 10a
I still have your shields to get from me
revryan ObsidiaN system.fan Hairy Knight Zes
Zes and revryan contacted me already. The other guys: either contact me here or ingame: Rikku Kramer
Aragorn_Granpasso if you want the shields you bid on you will have to provide the r/b
bump - as promised items will be sold very fast. Just some need a bit more ectos to find its next owner
you can contact me ingame
Rikku Kramer
bump - I'm quite happy with some of these bids and will sell some items tomorrow if no more bids come to those. I will not drag this selling thread on for very long.
The GotH is reserved for ObsidiaN
if you haven't done yet please add your ign