Posts by Bierchen
Different colours for a power ranger vibe is actually a funny idea. I will think about it
Edit: Added an actual fashion pic of my beloved ranger, surrounded by all the pets of this crazy 7 Hero Petway from PvX. Only 13 areas in NF to go. Already completed every 8 man area and Mission in NM and HM (and dungeons) with this build. I think it's great26/30 - gwamm soon..
Hello friends of the well-dressed characters. I have a small question about my mercenary heroes. So far I have used 2 different clothing styles to equip the 7 duderinhos pretty similarly. But somehow I don't like the last one anymore.... Does anyone have an idea for a new design I could use? Somehow I find the current one a bit boring. Maybe I'll switch back to the first one... Maybe I'd buy something new from the shop, but I'm sure you can still make something nice with helloween or wintersday masks... Maybe I'll even make myself 7 scary snowmen with extra carrot nose attacks.
Translated with (free version) yes its true, thank you deepl for exposing me...