IGN: Luana Rose
IGN: Luana Rose
Added new:
Q8 Great axe
q8 GPB
q8 Plagueborn maul
i sold this axe some years ago like 30a, with current prices and inflation if had to guess id say between 100 and 200a xD
One more set of Charr mods left in stock
there are atleast 3 known actually.
Well if i had to give my guess id say they are from mad little pony Halloween quest.
Its armost Halloween, go Check it out
Added RB For GPB and Kappa
Added new raven staff and composite bow
Added Zodiac axe & GPB!
Added Kappa shield and some sunderings
Bump! RB on bow mod lowered to 180a
Are you looking to buy or sell one?
If u do have gold, please share a screenshot. There hasnt been any confirmed gold ones drop tho there have been rumours
Sold some ingame but still have these in stock
Well, i was gonna screenshot few sets but i couldn't decide which and it got overhelming and i got lazy making shots so this is what happened xD
Selection of my warriors favs!
6-28dmg q8 gold +5e Id say way more than 20a.
Is prenerf. My guess would be not below 80-100a.
This is why its forbidden to edit PC thread for new items, instead u should make new thread, its very confusing to ppl like this.
for the PC. there is ONE known q8 +5e hand axe, it also happens to be one of 3-4 known core q8 +5e axes to exist overall.
PC wise well.. id say one would go 4-5ka+, atleast id offer that in item trades XD
But unlikely one will ever be for sale so GL
30a on #2
I cant even remember exactly, but for something like 4 or 5 years i've been hunting for 12 vs giant hammer mod for this hammer, lol.
Thanks to Gentleman Xander Finally got this item modded how i wanted!
Its the small details haha