Posts by Pleikki
65a jade
85a winged
50a jade staff
45a Winged
50a Dead staff
30a Jade staff
20a winged staff
350a outcast
Welcome back mate!
As u know very well, many of these things are practically priceless thesedays, you cant pur exact number on them haha
The first row has potential for atleast 4 digit armbraces (except nonmax dragon maybe), the wayward has allways been pretty much nr1 on gw1 wands in my mind, not much anything like it exist
And like ive told you, the stones and wooden chakrams are never on market so absolutely nothing to compare them to ;P
IF u are gonna sell any of them in some point (i think unlikely xD), post it on auction and give it several weeks and dont sell to PMS
sorry, but q8 felly is out of the options to drop. anywhere
This is not true. Many areas dropping q8 have dropped fellblades to me, there are also even insc gold q8 fells. Ive dropped fell from chest (normal mode) in tyrian desert aswell as pongmei. I might have screens somewhere. I personally also dropped gold q8 15-21 insc fell from eotn ( Coffee Man has it now)
Why can't zchest drop one of these today? It drops Q9 Cry and on occasion a wep without an inscription?
the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status
To my knowledge, the bug only made them much more common to drop, but clean drops werent exclusive to deathbane.
Ive bought many cleans from zchest and random drops etc over the years and ppl selling have Several times claimed it was recent drop. So i belive they still drop just extreamly rarely.
You bought it from me back then. The guy I got it from said he looted it sometime after 2009, meaning it's not prenerf. But I wonder if there is some kind of indication that differentiates a postnerf from a prenerf in this case? Red Fireball Pleikki
Only if gold value would be so high that it only couldve been possible from keyless chest. Im sure mr Red has data from zchest and HoH chest gold values too 😆
This sword clearly not prenerf tho
Low xx a, ive sold for 10-25a
Serp is tyrian, every inscriable is
Well said on most things, i think key factor is that q8 swords are absurbly rare to drop max, i never got gold one from tens of thousands chests and hundreds of hours of farming, while 6-27 q8 axes drop all the time, rarity wise i think its 1000 x more common.
After that comes the facts that ppl want max items and yadda yadda.
And on chevys point, i think q7 6-27 is more valuable than 6-28 with identical stats.. in many cases such as with your axe, only 15^50 and +5e could make difference with those, but again its cus axes even dropped q7 6-28 so 6-27 is "not max" -
Plat wand drops dom and illu in OS
Only primary attris like es, soul reap and insp and fast casting limited to insc
First gold q8 shield drop in awhile :O
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well.. Couldve been worse, might be even first dualmod gold ive got lol
Bump. Some shields sold ig
You can switch second professions, skills and attributes as many times as u want with every build later, and as u progress u can buy different armors for different builds.
My advice is just choose someting thats fun for you to play, you Will level up to max and progress in no time and you can try out different things then later on
Imo best part is to try out different skills and random combinations While learning how the skills and the game system work
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