Posts by pyre
TongTong i think i just found a perfect match for your dagger
hey Fury ,
will catch you ingame .. we in same guild afterall
and thanks for your reply
Hello , been interested in farming for q3 gold items which only drops from level 12 foes
- most know farm is Sensail farming in Jaya bluffs - Shing Jea Island, q3 is super rare to find in max dmg/ar , not to mention good mods.
- i farm skrees regularly in Lahtenda Bog ( which takes 5-7 mins per run , and around 12 foes with required level ) , but didnt see any q3 gold so far ( got 1 q3/11 max purple tall shield only ).
what i would to know is :
are there any areas or foes or quests( any region ), that can spawn lvl12 foes which are not mentioned on wiki ? sometimes wiki is not accurate about these details.
every information helps , thank you all
ty for share ddnt know about that quest, i think drop the 80% of mine in lathenda bog from corsairs
welcome , i did lahtenda bog , mainly farming for q3 shields ( lvl 12 insects + lvl 12 skree )
corsairs can drop q0 scythes too in Lahtenda
Thanks Blind and Jonast , will probably list it later
Hello , got this item while farming , 1 off max but perfect mods
IGN : Pyre Teh Wild Shot
Hello everyone ,
this is my first post here , and sorry for my bad forums skills
could not find this farm posted anywhere so i thought i will share it with you guys.
Location : Mehtani Keys
quest : War Preperations ( Wind and Water ) ( only Elonian Characters )
foes : Water Djin level 15 ( x11 total )
difficulty level : easy
Class : i use Dervish with skills template : OgCkkeq6ayqU333V4132AmFozlqI
downsides : quest is primary , if you want to proceed with story .. you will have to finish it and lose farming access
Description : Starting from Kodlonu Hamlet while War Preperations ( Wind and Water ) is active , run to sailors till they show on ally panel , find a safe spot to wait for sailors to be killed and disappear from ally panel ( not sure but i think it affects deop rate ).
run to right or left corner , kill, collect, restart.
IGN : Pyre Teh Wild Shot
enjoy and good luck farming