Honestly just trying to sell things so I can buy what I need to get my 30 HOM so please help thanks :)))
- Shakor's Spear
- The Matriarch's Stinger
- Stygian Aegis
- Droknar's Spear
- Arachni's Staff
- Droknar's Death Staff
- Droknar's Restoration Focus
- Podaltur's Fury
- Kormab's Prison
- Forgotten Shield
- Deldrimor Domination Focus
- Droknar's Channeling Scepter
- Forgotten Recurve Bow
- The Wingshielder
- The Trickster
- Quetzal Sky x2
- Summit Giant Herder
- Forest Minotaur
- Aatxe
- Hydra
- Word of Madness
- Fungal Wallow
- Necrid Horseman
- Cloudtouched Simian
- Jora x2
- Ventari
- Miniature Ooze x2
- Koss
-Candysmith Marley x2
- Charr Shaman x2
- Zhu Hanuku x2
- King Adelburn
- Mad King Thorn x2
- EL Zenmai
- EL Livia
- EL Tahlkora
- EL Acolyte Sousuke
- EL Margrid the Sly
- EL Kahmu
- EL Hayda
- EL Xandra
- EL Morghan
- EL Zhed Shadowhoof
- EL Anton
- EL Ogden Stonehealer x2
- EL Koss
- EL Pyre Fierceshot
- EL Keiran Thackery x2
- EL Miku

- Elementalist Tome
- Assassin Tome x2
- Torment Gemstone
- Monumental Tapestries x2
- Book of Secrets
- Elite Paragon Tome