Posts by Fleebusia

    This thread is an echo chamber

    It might be reasonable to assume the reason for this is closely related to the fact that only the most loyal and die-hard players inhabit these forums and the game itself at this point, instead of 98% of the original player base that left because they realized how shallow and meaningless titles are in the grand scheme on things. You could even say that me coming here to voice such a complaint was ill-conceived, as it's a likeness to going to a fanclub trying to point out flaws in the object of their interest. It was more to vent my frustration but I can understand why nobody here can relate to it.

    This is the main contrast to most other MMO's. You can always come back to it and find something meaningful to progress towards. MMO's like WoW held their appeal to a much larger player base solely because of this. True and persistent character progression was clearly something that appealed to a lot of people. I think the true outlier here is that GW1 does not share the same business model as a traditional subscription-based MMO.

    But I do still respect other people's preferences to how this model should work. I just don't agree with it or care for it. Anyway, this was my last-ditch effort to get back into GW1, so this will likely be the last you ever hear from me. Have fun and enjoy.

    For me, that low ceiling is exactly why I like GW. Instead of mindlessly grinding mods for a +1 trait or incrementally better gear, the progression comes from learning each area, it's mobs, and playing your own skillbars better. Much more satisfying personally, and also means it's much quicker to get alt characters up and running.

    You could always start a new character - that will likely give you plenty of reason to farm. You're right though, most people have all they need in the game now (outside of high-end collectors). Just play the game for it's own sake - the gameplay is still fun after all.

    I get where you are coming from. The build system is the one thing that defines the game for me. Probably explains why I never got into GW2. But I also feel that they could have added more depth for gear progression. We could still enjoy learning builds and area's independent of that. I don't really see an issue with grinding for gear, we mindlessly grind for everything else in the game as it is. That's basically GW in a nutshell. We just grind for mostly trivial things like vanity. Personally, I find gear progression much more gratifying than a title that typically represents hundreds, if not thousands of hours doing very mundane things.

    I guess it really doesn't matter now anyway, it's not like the game will ever get a major update at this point. I just hope they make GW3 in GW1's image. And maybe gear progression that doesn't reach it's pinnacle in just a week of playing.

    The paper-thin character progression. By that I mean power progression, stuff that actually makes you grow in power.

    Every time I think about coming back, I'm reminded that no matter how much I farm and no matter how much gold I have, I won't become any more powerful than I was soon after hitting lvl 20- which is a very short-lived milestone in itself.

    I'm actually quite curious as to what people do with all their gold. The game seems to have reached a point where 99.99% of players know all the best farms and basically want for nothing and so there is nothing to stimulate trade. In fact, the only thing you ever see on trade are bots selling Z-keys. I wouldn't mind this so much if there was a goal I could set that would make some tangible difference for my toons. But there is nothing like this beyond some title track skills. I just can't find the motivation to play it anymore because there is nothing meaningful to aim for.

    I find it really hard to maintain enthusiasm for farming when the only thing I have to gain from it is the act of farming itself, as the rewards are more or less meaningless. It just really saddens me that despite all the great content in this game, the progression ceiling will always remain very shallow. It's both funny and sad when you think about how there is basically no power differential between a fresh 20 and a lvl 20 with 7k hours dedicated to it. One just "looks" better.