Posts by ama

    Recently came back to the game; still sifting through my storage characters. I'll add more items as I learn of their value and rarity.


    Q9 OS +5E Chaos Axe ~

    C/O: 1a10e

    B/O: 5a

    Q9 Eternal Blade ~

    C/O: 40a (SOLD)

    B/O: 40a (SOLD)

    Q9 OS 10/10 Earth Ghostly Staff ~

    C/O: 80e (SOLD)

    B/O: 80e (SOLD)

    Q9 OS 10/10 Illusion Celestial Staff ~

    C/O: 10e

    B/O: 20e

    Q9 OS 10/10 Illusion Zodiac Staff ~

    C/O: N/A

    B/O: 40e

    Q9 OS 10/10 Blood Zodiac Staff ~

    C/O: 20e (SOLD)

    B/O: 40e (SOLD)

    Q9 Voltaic Spear ~

    C/O: 120e (SOLD)

    B/O: 150e (SOLD)

    Q8 OS 15^50 Oni Daggers ~

    C/O: 35a (SOLD)

    B/O: 40a (SOLD)

    Q8 OS +5E Oni Daggers ~

    C/O: 15a (SOLD)

    B/O: 40a (SOLD)

    Q9 OS 10/10 Blood Amber Staff ~

    C/O: 15e (SOLD)

    B/O: 20e (SOLD)

    Q11 OS -3/+60WH Tactics Echovald Shield ~

    C/O: 15e (SOLD)

    B/O: 20e (SOLD)

    Q13 Crystalline Sword ~

    C/O: N/A

    B/O: 170e

    Q9 Voltaic Spear (#2) ~

    C/O: 115e (SOLD)

    B/O: 115e (SOLD)

    Q9 Voltaic Spear (#3) ~

    C/O: 115e (SOLD)

    B/O: 115e (SOLD)

    Q10 Voltaic Spear ~

    C/O: N/A

    B/O: 70e

    Q11 Voltaic Spear ~

    C/O: N/A

    B/O: 60e

    Q12 Voltaic Spear ~

    C/O: 40e (SOLD)

    B/O: 50e (SOLD)

    Q13 Voltaic Spear ~

    C/O: 30e (SOLD)

    B/O: 40e (SOLD)

    *Q10 Spawning Power Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 10e (SOLD)

    B/O: 20e (SOLD)

    *Q11 Air Magic Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 20e

    *Q11 Air Magic Celestial Compass (#2) ~

    C/O: 10e (SOLD)

    B/O: 20e (SOLD)

    *Q11 Healing Prayers Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 15e (SOLD)

    B/O: 25e (SOLD)

    *Q11 Restoration Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 40e

    *Q11 Curses Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 20e

    *Q12 Communing Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 15e

    *Q12 Communing Celestial Compass (#2) ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 15e

    *Q12 Death Magic Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 30e

    *Q13 Domination Magic Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 40e (SOLD)

    B/O: 50e (SOLD)

    *Q13 Healing Prayers Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 20e

    *Q13 Protection Prayers Celestial Compass ~

    C/O: 5e

    B/O: 20e

    *Mods aren't guaranteed. Feel free to offer on the "lot" of compasses - current offer is 5e/ea.*

    (Not Pictured)

    Dedicated Miniature Vizu ~

    C/O: N/A

    B/O: 75e

    (Not Pictured)

    Undedicated Miniature Polar Bear ~

    C/O: 41a1e

    B/O: 75a

    (Not Pictured)

    Normal Tomes ~


    (Not Pictured)

    ALL Caster Weapon Mods ~

    Tell me what you need and how much you're paying.