Posts by Aporia
Hello, I'll take the Celestial longbow and the 30hp bow mod please
Hello! I've recently looted a few items and I would like to know if I can get something out of them!
1. Bone Staff - q8 | 8-14 | + 7e | HSR 15 | HCT 20 | Ar % | Enchant 20
2. Sunqua Blade - q7 | 11-15 | +5e | Enchant 19
3. Smiting Rod - q9 max | +5e wH | HCT Protection Prayers 20
4. Cane - q9 max | HSR Dom 19 | +5^50
5. Spiral Rod - q9 Curses max | +5^50 | HCT 10
6. Amber Wand - q11 Smiting max | HCT 10 | +5^50
Thank you!
Thanks for the heads up Master Shadowkiller, gonna try to win this one!
**Mod Edit** Aporia
Please read the Xunlai Rules.
1. Rules on Bumping
Early Bump. You must wait at least 24hrs between posts in your thread. Please read the Xunlai Rules.
SW02 - 50e
b/o Crysta!
Oni q9 +5e 1a
GPB q9 +5e 7a
Up! Now also looking for OS q9 +5e Broadsword and GPB
I'll retract from M13, my bad!
Found ingame, I'll retract!
q9 hornbow 30e
q9 vertebreaker 30e
b/o #1 shinobi please
IGN: Silent Aporia
Hey there, could I get a few ectos from those two items?
Q11 Bladed Shield +10 vs piercing / + 59 ^ hex
Q9 Domination Bo Staff 20/20 Illusion
Thanks for your answers.
I’ve also noticed that more chests spawn without the quest active, did not do many runs to verify that though but probably related!
Hello, selling those 3 items.
I'm not really into trading, so I've based prices on estimations made by member of this forum.
Happy bids!
Q10 Death Platinum Wand 10/10- Soldb/o - 30e met by Made By Hate
Q8 inscr Imposing Scepter (domination)- Soldb/o - 150e met by Snoop Snail
Q8 14-27 Longbow- Soldb/o - 50e met by Fenrir el Gris
Hey folks,
I recently wanted to give a try on this easy plagueborn items chest run just outside of Kaineng Center with the quest Cleansing Bukdedk Byway.
But I was very disappointed as I found only 6 chests on about 25 runs. Based on videos, the spawn rate of the chest should be around 50-60% though.
Also, the favor was not active when I did my run.
So I'm wondering, does the favor impact the spawn rate of chests?
Or am I missing something on this specific chest run?
Thanks for your help!