i am sorry it ended yout offer is appreciated though
Posts by RollingThunder
auction ended
In 2 days (next monday the auction ends)
up co 20e wand going to end soon get it while its still fresh
platwand co 15e still up for grabs gogogogo
up! Don t Let it slide through your fingers
up if in 2 days, no offer i sell to ele
1 new banger item come come
1A = req 11 reaping straw effigy half deathmagic 20% halfs skill rechars blood magic 20%
B1= Wayward Wand dom req 13 10/10
4A=req 12 strength zodiac +10vs demons
5A=req 10 tactic zodiac +10 vs plants 5^19%
8a=req13 strength -5 20% +9 vs blunt dmg
9a=req 9 Chaos Axe 15^while enchanted
10a=req9 zodiac daggers 15°50life
happy biding
ins stuff: req9 exalted and zodiac shields 3e each !!!!
IGN: Die Gesegnete
since hasnt been bid in 3 days i close the fightover wand solld for 130e, pls moderator close thread
9q 1 shadowblade 15^50 5e