Posts by IAmSole
heroes need them too
Ironman.. heroes..??
yeah im playing with a fresh account, so they are just as useless as henchies xD
didnt start in proph either, decided on factions, so tired of seeing ascalon
Congrats but idk why so many people reacted with the ecto
it's worth 25g to an ironman player. But still big value for the playthrough!
First sup vigor on an iron is huge
heroes need them too
still on the hunt for a q8 dead sword but cant complain about this
Edit: no mode bids for me, I'm out
Every time I've seen ppl selling is 100a+
But if I'm mistaken then sorry
you know the rule.. if its nik or crgcrgcrg selling you have to half the price for its real value. WTS price means nothing.
I'll be honest I misread it as frog scepter, my brain was lagging
Every time I've seen ppl selling is 100a+
But if I'm mistaken then sorry
Not even close 120-150a is more likely, possibly higher depending on demand
Bump, thanks for the bids guys
Bidding will close at 12 gmt tomorrow
Last minute snipe bids will extend the time, just so its fair to all involved
ty guys
ty Blind Was My Fury will just merch it
luckier this time during a heroway fow
so close but yet so far
here's the brother
Want to make them a set? You cna have it for free
so close but yet so far
first chest of the day
Heal - 20A b/o
Prot 10a b/o
Healing - C/O = 15a Charr
Prot - C/O = 6a Charr
SB 1A each
i dropped it last year
40a zod, do u have a b/o?
10a zodiac hammer
Ranger is good and versatile. Extra armor vs ele is strong
Personally I don't start prophecies any more cause in fed up of it, I normally go for factions.
ive left my guild so u can invite, however i go away for 2 weeks so wont be active to accept
Will sell tonight if no new bids
Looking for -2we +10vs piercing/blunt/lightning
Str or tac
looking for any of the following skins - Bladed, echovald, plagueborn, exalted
Need some funds so departing with this beauty
C/O 250A gdyb
never had this skin before as a q8, shame its moti
IDS just dropped on ironman lmao... blessed account?
Could I get a pc on these pls
Last bump cysta will be sold tomorrow