Posts by Acrobawt The Second
1. q9 Death Hale outcast staff of enchanting (HCT Divine favor 20%),2. Zealous kris daggers of defense (+15^w/E),
SOLDq9 Death Adept bone staff of enchanting (HCT Curses 20%),SOLDSOLD
3. Vampiric cleaver (Tyrian) of Defense (+5 Energy),SOLD4. q9 Divine Insightful holy branch of fortitude (Poison -20%)
I'm interested, but can you do 35e?
Thanks for the reply
Hey, can I get please the "Onyx Staff - req9 Inspiration Magic"?
IGN: Acrobawt The Second
Thanks so much
close please
Like the title suggests - I want to buy an insc. Q8/16 Tactics shield.
I don't have a big budget, but I'm looking for a cool skin for my Paragon for a stupid 100b build.
For offers reply here, send me a PM, or whisper me in-game (IGN: Acrobawt The Second), whatever you feel like.
35e crude shield