Posts by Sanhedonista

    Hello everybody,

    Throughout the game some foes are level 20 in HM, allowing for q8 drops but with the increased drop chance of Hard Mode.

    I'm looking to establish a list of those foes with the intention of farming them, but the wiki is not very helpful here.

    Well, I need your help. Do you know more of those lvl 20 foes? Some of those only appear during quests.

    I'll continuously update the list. Thanks !

    List :

    Shard Wolves (Fissure of Woe)

    Slave Spirits (Destroy the Ungrateful Slaves)

    Corsairs (Moddok Crevice)

    Duelists (Duel of the Houses)

    Convicted Criminals (The Jade Arena)

    Kournans (Building the Base : Prisoners of War)

    Kournans (Building the Base : The Meeting)

    Kournans (The Tools of War)

    Kournans (Fish in a Barrel)

    Kournans (A Little Recon)

    Jade Brotherhood (Missing Daughter)

    Corsairs (The Young Lady Vanishes)

    Am Fah (Refuse to Drink)