Posts by Lio
Wesh Mesdames et Monsieurs,
Hope you are doing well.
I decided to sell most of my shields to make some space (and money)!
I'm not sure if I really want to sell a few of them in this list but taking offer on all.
I reserve the right to sell or not etc. (my lawyer specialized in gw and gw legacy commercial litigations is very good, believe me, he has a lot of experience and a PhD from harvard).
Enjoy the game and take care
Lyo / IGN: Senorita Lionella
N° Skin Mod1 Mod2 Req gv Offer 1 Aegis +45 we -2 we q11 tac 380 3 Aegis +10 plants +29hp q10 tac 332 4 Aegis -2 we +10 dragons q10 tac 208 5 Aegis +10 plants +29hp q9 tac 208 6 Aegis +30hp +10 demons q12 tac 296 7 Aegis +10 slash +30hp q10 tac 304 8 Aegis +29hp +10 demons q11 tac 316 BO: 1a 9 SOTW -2 we +10 demons q9 tac 232 RB: 5a 10 SOTW -2 we +30hp q10 tac 272 12 SOTW +10 blunt +44 we q11 tac 384 13 SOTW +10 lighting +45 we q12 tac 228 14 SOTW +10 fire +45 we q12 tac 208 16 SOTW -3hex +60hex q9 tac 212 18 SOTW +44 we +10 slash q9 tac 392 20 Round +10 earth +44 we q9 tac 204 22 Wooden +10 demons -2 we q11 tac 208 23 Wooden +10 plants +45 we q12 tac 212 25 Round -2 we +44 we q10 tac 216 26 Round +10 plants +44 we q9 tac 220 28 Wooden +30hp -2 we q10 tac 236 35 Wooden +45 we -2 we q10 tac 328 36 Wooden +45 we +10 slash q11 tac 452 37 Tall shield +10 piercing +30hp q12 tac 364 38 Tall shield +45 we -2 we q12 tac 184 41 Tall shield +10 piercing +44 we q11 tac 316 43 Tall shield +10 earth +45 we q11 tac 224 44 Tall shield -3 hex +60 hex q9 tac 268 45 Tall shield -2 we +30hp q10 tac 284 46 Tall shield +10 demons -2 we q11 tac 348 48 Tall shield +10 slash +45 we q13 tac 340 49 Tall shield +28 hp +10 demons q11 tac 228 54 Amber -2 we +45 we q12 str 236 CO: 1a / RB: 2a / BO: 4a 56 Amber +43we +10 slash q9 tac 244 BO: 3a 57 Amber -2 stance +44 stance q9 str 248 BO: 1a 62 Amber +30hp -3hex q10 str 268 65 Amber +10 demons -2 stance q12 str 360 67 Gothic +10 cold +29 hp q9 tac 204 68 Gothic -2 we +10 fire q11 str 208 69 Gothic +28 hp +1 dom 20% q9 tac 220 72 Gothic -3 hex +30 hp q9 str 228 73 Gothic +10 demons +44 we q11 tac 236 74 Gothic -2 stance +10 demons q10 str 236 75 Gothic +43 we +10 plants q10 tac 240 76 Gothic +30 hp +10 earth q12 str 256 77 Gothic +29 hp +10 plants q9 str 264 78 Gothic -2 stance +44 stance q10 str 268 79 Gothic +10 demons -2 we q11 tac 296 81 Gothic +45 we +10 earth q10 str 340 82 Gothic +10 demons +29 hp q9 tac 344 84 Gothic +29 hp +10 light q9 tac 384 86 Echo +30 we q8 tac 98 87 Echo +10 plants q8 tac 156 88 Echo +43 we +10 slash q9 tac 276 90 Echo +59 hex +10 demons q9 tac 212 96 Echo +30hp -2 we q10 tac 220 98 Echo +10 demons -3 hex q10 tac 220 102 Echo +10 vs plants -2 we q9 str 232 107 Echo +10 dragons +44 we q9 tac 256 122 Echo +30 hp +10 plants q9 tac 364 CO: 7a 123 Echo +30 hp -2 we q11 tac 364 126 Echo -2 stance +10 demons q10 str 384 127 Echo +10 fire fire +1/19% q9 tac 392 139 Bladed +30hp -2 we q11 tac 228 CO: 50e / RB: 3a 141 Bladed +10 demons -3 hex q12 tac 232 142 Bladed +44 stance -2 stance q10 str 232 143 Bladed -3 hex +10 cold q9 tac 236 145 Bladed +29 hp +10 demons q11 str 264 147 Bladed +10 blunt -2 stance q11 str 276 152 Bladed +45 we +1 DF/19% q10 tac 312 164 Bronze +30 hp +10 fire q13 str 204 168 Goth +10 fire +29 hp q9 str 228 169 Crude -5/19 +10 piercing q10 tac 124 171 Celestial +44 we +10 earth q10 tac 260 173 Kappa +10 demons -2 we q11 tac 272 CO: 5a / No BO yet 178 Iridescent +10 demons -2 we q11 tac 312 179 Goth +43 we +10 light q12 tac 324 CO: 30e 182 Exalted +10 demons +27hp q11 tac 344 183 Eternal -2 stance +29hp q11 str 232 184 Celestial +45 we +10 light q11 str 396 CO: 1a 184a Gloom +43 stance +10 demons q9 str 300 185 Zodiac +10 demons -5/19% q9 tac 404 186 Paper lantern ar +5 vs elemental q8 fire 224 187 Divine Symbol ar+5 health >50% +30 hp q13 df 252 188 Divine scroll heal +1 20% ar +5 w casting q13 df 212 189 Celestial staff 10% hct q9 curses 232 190 oni blade +5e q11 256 191 oni blade 15we q9 228 192 Plagueborn sword +5e q9 228 193 Zodiac sword 15^50 q9 204 194 Zodiac sword +5e q10 304 195 Katana 15we q9 372 196 Oni daggers 15^50 q10 216 197 Raven staff 10% hct q9 dom 284 198 Bo staff 10% hct q9 fire 260 199 Bo staff 10% hct q12 dom 372 200 Bo staff prot 20% q10 smite 280 201 Platinum staff earth 20% q13 eath 204 202 Dragon staff 10% hct q9 fire 284 203 Zodiac staff resto 19% q9 spawn 388 204 Zodiac staff inspi 20% q11 illusion 220 205 unded mini pig, azura, vizu, zhed / ded kuuna, Varesh, Mallyx 206 envoy sword, envoy axe, q9&10 vs, crysta q13, q9 cc fire, resto, smite 207 Many q9,10 insc shields and other weapons from zaishen chest (tell me skins you need) -
Lightning bladed 8a
ObsidiaN May I have your ign for the shields?
D3 rb
D2 rb
Bl2 20e
T6 20e
Bl8 10e
Bl6 50e
SW3 1a
T11 20e
C17 20e