Posts by mimironi
Jade sword, gladius : 20e/each. Katana : 30e. In game : Olympe Dei
1 : merch or salvage +30
2 : 5e if you are lucky
3 : 5e
4 : merch or salvage the 15^50
5 : merch
6 : merch
19a number 16
imagine if all the collectors did that, would you be happy to have 0 market to buy collectible os items besides that it takes away all the beauty of the items ? Probably not. I dont talk about custom 1 or 2 extremely sentimental rare weapons. I can understand. It's ok to custom the basic os Q9 weapons and all the common ones. I am not the only one to think that its just trash and disgusting as fuck to custom weapons like this. And i am pretty sure, more than 50% of the collectors feels the same. This section is not only the representation of all the existing collectors. From what I understand, this player is known in the community. Maybe I'm taking a risk saying that openly but I dont care, I'm not a friend with this player. I'm just expressing a really sincere feeling about ruining this game in term of beauty.
i sold 2-3 prenerf/rare weapons at this player. But honestly, if i saw his collection back in a days and if i thought that he/she will custom some of them, i won't sell my previous items at him/her. I would much rather keep or sell my items to someone who wants to have a profit rather than someone who custom... Probably +95% of his collection was bought and not looted. Honestly, i really think that this player kill the beauty of this game in all sense of collection (contemplation, pleasure to trade, economy...). Its just a selfish move. This is just sad and shameless. I could have a certain admiration for this collection but, i have more digusting feelings to be honest. I know this is just a game but, for me, this player is just a custom criminal... We all know that guild wars is a special game for collectibles items/pets.
jeweled staff 85a-100a. Dont sell to private message.
aegis : 15e
spatha : 10-15a
half moon : 3-4a
chaos axe purple : 7a
the collector probably didn't farm himself these items. He or she just bought them. Its just a selfish move to customize them.
a metaphor in real life : you buy a beautiful painting that is unique and you put your signature on it. It ruins the masterpiece in addition to the fact that you did not paint it. Its same for that, you put names on items that you didn't farm yourself. so sad and so shameless. It ruins the beauty and the purity of the item and consequently the beauty and the purity of this game.
typical collector who ruined the beauty of this game by customizing beautiful items... so sad.
pu. Lowered the b/o for the crude at 30a. Let's see