Posts by O O O Yoji O O O

    [font="Arial Black"]Hello everyone and welcome![/font]
    [font="Comic Sans MS"] :cool: (Let me Know what You need!) :cool: [/font]
         ign: O O O Yoji O O O

    (looking for some funds rising,guru closes in few days so gl everyone!)

    Fresh Recent Drops:
    -Dragons breath wand q9 fire (+15e-1, 10%HSR) SOLD IKKI
    -Fellblade q10 15^50 1e
    -Long Sword q10 15^50 1e
    -Gothic dual axe q10 15^50 1e
    -Ram's Hammer q10 DUAL ZEAL 9e
    -Stilletos q9 15^50 1e
    -Kukris q9 15^50 1e
    -Jade Sword q9 15^50 1e
    -MAGMAS ARM q12 DUAL ZEAL 5e (8e both arms)
    -Paper Fan q10 spaw HCT channel 19% +5Armor
    -Platinum Wand q9 curse HCT water 19% HSR 10% 1e

    1. Tall- c/o:
    2. Ornate(dual pre-nerf) c/o: 100e emma
    3. Shadow(dual pre-nerf)SOLD SOLD

    1. SOLD 53e Andy
    2. SOLD 100e Miss Deelahka
    3. 100e
    4. c/o: 5e Andy b/o 25e
    5. SOLD I Burning Arrows I
    6. Reserved I Burning Arrows I

    Recent Drops:
    -q9 Water staff 20/20
    -Magmas q9 56hex-5(19%) 1e
    -Magmas q9 -Bind,-2w/e c/o 15e trademeimfamous B/O:40e
    -q9 20/20 curses accursed staff
    -q9 20/20 death Bonestaff
    -q9 inscribed staff 20/20 dom
    -q10 Deadly Cesta 20%HSR DEATH, +5e^50
    -(gold)q5/13 Great Conch
    -Divine Symbol q13D HCT prot 20% +5AR w casting 3e
    -Magmas q10 56hp hexed -5(20%) 2e
    -Hand axe(cantha) q9 15^w/e
    -Jeweled staff q13 20/20 illusion 2e
    -Magmas(purple) q10 +1 water(18%)+38stance 3e
    -Magmas Arm q9 15^stance 3e
    -Composite bow q9 15^50 1e
    -Smiting rod q11smite HSR heal 20% +5e w/e 2e
    -Flamberge q10 14%-1 dual vamp 2e
    -Magmas q11 44stance+10vs Blunt 15e
    -SKeleton q11 +29-3hex 4e
    -Flemberge q9 15^stance 2e
    -Magmas q9 28+9vs Earth 6e
    -Outcast q9 STR -2we, Reduce Cripple 21e
    -Outcast Shield q12T 29hp-3hex 6e

    Meh Junk Stuff(soon to be Merch):
    -Outcast q9 27-Reduce Dazed 3e
    -Celestial 29+10 Ogre q9S 7e
    -Celestial 29+10 Dragon q11S 6e
    -Embossed Aegis 30+10 Dragons q10T 45e
    -Amber Aegis 29+9plants q10S 2e
    -Ornate Shield +1DOm(19%) -2we q10T 7e
    -Magmas q13 43stance -2we 3e
    -Crude Shield AR11 q8 30+10plants 10e

    I've decided to sell some items that i don't even use:

    ╔═══════════════ ═══════════════╗
    100 Armbraces(firm)
    ╚═══════════════ ═══════════════╝

    Air Wand SOLD 350 Rutger Jurgen
    Water Wand SOLD SOLD SOLD 230e ty ikki
    Frost Artifact SOLD SOLD SOLD 200e ty ikki
    Protective Icon 200e LAST ONE

    :evil:-Fancy mods, 9 years old:evil::[font="Comic Sans MS"](it doesnt get better then this, 10%/5% its the lowest possible)[/font]
    (note: [font="Comic Sans MS"]Perfect for modding your favorite weapons q7,q8 etc)[/font]
    :eek:Sundering sword hilt: SOLD 300e Glob Of Tolkano
    :eek:Sundering bowstring: b/o: 300e

    [font="Arial Black"]████████████████████████████████████[/font]
    [font="Arial Black"]___+25% Charrslaying mods___[/font]
    ★Sword Pommel 180e
    ★Bow Grip 350e

    -TYVM :)