bump 10.11.2022 13:14
Posts by Leonte Florin
Not the best drop but still happy
Fire Staff r9 20/20 (Canthan, lantern) 90e
Fire Staff r9 20/20 (Canthan, lantern) 75e
Fire Staff r9 20/20 (Canthan, lantern) 60e
Fire Staff r9 20/20 (Canthan, lantern) 40e
Hi i have Jitte q9 15^50 OS 40e my ign is Elektra M
5 - 2A+ 50e Bap pula in vacanta ta
5- 130e Ign Elektra M
Celestial staff q10 Df 20/20 Healing Mix 70e
I hope is worth some ectos
Caster 6 Celestial staff 75e Ign Elektra M
Bump new weapons added N37 -N41 . I dont take offers from Meehow
St-6 300e
ST-6 170e
Cele staff q12 Dom 130e
Bump new weap added ( PIC ) . 25.04.2022 14:57
ST-6. Celestial staff q12 Dom 50e
of course is worth it . 4A+ easy sell
Some PC on this pls. Can someone make a list pls with low req weapons i get confused with q0 scythes etc ....Ty
Bump 7.04.2022 N11 was sold and i forogt to remove it sry. S1 , S2 will be deliver soon and the Spiked club to . New weapons
Bump 4.04.2022 New weapons added
Bump 4.01.2022 17:53
Bump 20.03.2022 11:26
5-10e Kamas ppl buy for collection q9 15^50 OS weapons
Bump 20.03.2022 12:55
1,2,3,4,6,12,15 merch .. gavel 5-20e , shadow blade 5-10e , smiting staff 5e hard to sell is common skin , gothic defender is your best item you got 50e+ easy
Bump 18.03.2022 15:32
Bump 16.03.2022 14:12
Bump 14.03.2022 15:56