25a unded Kuunavang
Posts by Broetchen
1a +25e grape q10
75e on the purple q10
10e for the purple q10
Final bump for the Ancient Flatbow
Thank you for the bids.
I do accept the offers for a) 50e by Saltyjim and b) 2a by Pinedhuitre as final offers. The items are yours and are pending delivery.
25a EL Transmog
#04, #05, #06 50e/ea
I'm offering the following item(s) for sale:
c/o: 15a by crusan; r/b: met; b/o: 25a
Auction ends on Sunday, 16th, 20:00 (GMT+1)
c/o: 5a by manuS
c/o: 15a by crusan
Inscribable stuff:
2x q9 tactic Ancient Shield: 10e/ea
1x q9 com Ancient Shield: 10e
GotT: 35a/stack - 0 stack(s) in stock
Destroyer Cores: 125e/stack - 0 stack(s) in stock
I reserve the right to not sell, and so forth.
Please leave your in-game name in the post or send it via PM.
Happy bidding.
Sundering spearhead 20/20 (x3) : 1e / each - all 3 pls
*Bump* r/b and & b/o added
Shield handle of fortitude +30HP (x11) : 1e / each-> all 11 pls
Thanks for the bids thus far! *bump*
5a Varesh