Posts by KroxllOachiukxashk
Sadly only +43 and not 45, but it looks good otherwise. Dunno how much are q4 sought after
EC2 Plant Echo still for sale or nah?
Yes sir
added a nice eternal shield
I'd like to get Krait Neoss and Heket Warrior ign: Nyla Demetriades
Roaring Ether, Cave Spider, Abomination, Desert Griffon, Seer 1k ea
Vizu 3a
I would take those two:
- Eternal Shield Tactics (x1)
- Eternal Shield Command(x1) -
bump with some new stuff
updated with more shielderinos
It's owned by botters/ladders syncers at ~3000 rating
q9 Str Ornate +30hp -5/20% - ill offer 2a (if mod order is -5/20% +30)
Yes all mods are written in the order they appear on the shields.
111e eaglecrest
ornate q9 +30 100e
Which one there are two +30hp ornate ?
Also bumperino with some new shields
bump added a new shield
bump, nice DoA aegis added
bump, added some new stuff
1a q9 Morningstar
DV 2 - 1a
Due to an error on my part, I have lost almost all of those items, really sorry for the both of you. The post is updated with whatever I have left