This kind of perspective will lead to more crg crg types. If that’s what you guys want, have at it
lmao on this note does anyone know what happened to him ./.. did he get perma'd or something
This kind of perspective will lead to more crg crg types. If that’s what you guys want, have at it
lmao on this note does anyone know what happened to him ./.. did he get perma'd or something
5000 + unded ceratadon
Bump new juicy os wand
This still being done?
q9 zodi sword 5a
Zodiac sword and os chaos ace b/o
q11t Embossed Aegis +10v Plants +45wE (gv 220) 3a
q12t Aegis 45wE +10v Plants (gv 216)
q12t Spiked Targe +10v Plants +45wE (gv 368)
Bump Added juicy Dual Mod Jug