Posts by Kylria

    I am not sure how everyone else feels, but does anyone else feel let down with GW2? I don't mind sequels - some games have good sequels - but this game is entirely different from GW1. Almost nothing in it is similar to the first one. I wish what we would have got was something similar to GW1 with new graphics, mounts, jumping ability, and new worlds. Why did they stray so far from the original and make something completely different? I am a firm believer "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". So why not just keep what made the first special and improve on it? I am willing to bet like 80% of the players in GW2 never even played the first. I am extremely disappointed with what ANet did. GW1 was a masterpiece, GW2 is anything but. I also find GW2 has Archeage-vibes to it (if anyone has played it). Basically I find it difficult to get into, it throws a bunch of stuff at you right away, and you're left questioning "What the heck do I do"? I found GW1 easy to get into. You make a char, hop into the world, and go from there. Anyone can do it.

    But anyways, I recently got my GW1 account back after working with ANet support. I logged in last night for the first time since late 2007 - I quit a little after EoTN came out. And man, I almost wanted to cry. I visited all my favorite spots, and it was heartbreaking to see what used to be full of people, down to a select few. My friends list of 50+ was empty. It was so sad. Where is everyone? What are people doing nowadays? It's been like, 15 years. I get it, times move on, but I don't want them to (heh).