6A on the dom cane
Posts by Taiwan Rulez
yes, I think it would be only fair to take the highest bid within the last 24hours. So I would sell it to HeavensDevil for the 2a & 25e.
I hope thats okay for you.
My ign is Taiwan Rulez
Thanks for the offers!
The r/b is met already, and I will be selling it to the highest bidder in 24hours.
Crysta is still on sale?
thanks for the offer !! , added c/o
bump. The items with offers will be sold for the c/o, if there is no more offers within the next 24h.
thank you for the offers and bump
thanks for buying pinedhuitre & updated.
250e on the dom bo
Thanks a lot! Im very surprised with the oni blade being so high. Is there any reason for that?
I also got 2 zodiac swords q9 5e and 15^50 , are they also in the 50e area or did they increase aswell, as they have a similar drop area?
Im still looking for a PC on the staves and shields, if anyone has some knowledge in that field.
I haven't been active for some years, and got back into playing.
So I was wondering how the prices developed, and how much I could get for those weapons.
For inscr. stuff, I managed to get some good overview with the chat, but it is pretty hard for the OS ones.
I guess the staffs are decent, but suffer from the high req. Same for the shields I guess.
When I checked, I realized I have quite a lot of those q9 +5 and +15^50 OS Swords, but I dont want to spam too many in this thread.
Is there any specific OS q9 Sword Skin thats the most desireable?
Also curious about the fire wand and divine symbol (afaik its double inscr mods and max, both semi-good?). Im tempted to just merch or give em to heroes, so I wanted to be sure and ask here before.
I would be extremely grateful for any insight and help to evaluate.
Thanks in advance!