Posts by Bite-me
Hi, i am interested in that communing jade staff
Lovely Laeticia
bump, added crystalline
s1 q9 gothic sword os 20 while hex b/o 10e
s2 crenellated sword q12 os caster +5e b/o 5e (no max dmg)
s3 celestial sword q10 os 15stance b/o 15e
s4 wicked blade q10 os 15 ench b/o 20e
s5 Oni blade q9 os 15 vs hexed b/o 40e
s6 oni blade q9 20% while under 50% b/o 40e
s7a jade sword q9 os 15 ench b/o 25e
s7b jade sword q9 os 15 stance 20e
s8 zodiac sword q9 os 15 stance b/o 100e
s9 plagueborn sword q10 os 15 stance b/o 15e
s10 vertebreaker q9 os 15^ench b/o 35e
s11 butterfly sword q12 os caster +5e b/o 10e
s12 spatha q10 os 15^ench b/o 15e
s13 fellblade q10 os 15 stance b/o 20e
a1 Plagueborn q10 os 15^ench b/o 25e
a3 dragoncrest q10 os 15 ench b/o 10e
a4 double-bladed axe q9 os 15 -5e clean gold value 300 s/b 40e
a5 cleaver q9 os 15 vs hexed foes b/o 10e
a6 Piercing axe (battlepick skin) q13 +5e (caster) b/o 7e
h2 gone
h3 summit hammer q9 os 15 -5e b/o 20e
h4 Foehammer q9 os 15^ench b/o 20e
h5 Zodiac hammer q9 os 20 under 50% b/o 10e
h6 Zodiac hammer q10 os 15^ench b/o 10e
h7 marble hammer q10 os 15^stance b/o 25e
h8 celestial hammer q9 os 15 -5e b/o 15e
b1 Ironwing flatbow q9 os 15^50 b/o 30e
b2 Jade Longbow q9 os 15 -5e b/o 40e
b3 half moon q9 os 15 stance b/o 15e
Extra1: Gifts of the Traveler (Gott) 40a/stack (multiple)Extra2: 7th birthday gifts 20e/ea x50
Extra3: Bowgrip of demonslaying 20% 35e, 19% 5e