127 - 175e (same)
131 - 100e (same)
132 - 7a (new)
Posts by IvoryR
q9 Naked Canthan Cleaver
q9 Naked FalchionIdk if you're interested in q9 naked staves or not.. but
q9 Curse Bo
q9 Air Bo
q9 Fire Bo
q9 Death DragonIvory Rinali
127 - 175e
131 - 100e
132 - 150e -
I'll take the scythe enchant
Ivory Rinali
Spiked Targe (big skin) q6tac 14ar gold insc - 175e
Zodiac Staff q9 air 20/10 - 20e
Jellyfish Wand q8df +4e^50 10%hsr - 150eIvory Rinali
B/O N12
Ivory Rinali
Shadow Shield r9 - 40a - changed to meet r/b
Keeping same offer on the q13 eternal.Ivory Rinali
27,254 hours 23 minutes over 107mo.
Insert afk hours here
I'll take both magmas and 2x 7th yr presents
IGN: Ivory Rinali
Shadow Shield r9 - 30a
Eternal Shield r13 - 20aIvory Rinali
Ivory Rinali
I've q9 20/10 Bo - Channeling.
IGN Ivory Rinali
I've cele longbow
~Ivory Rinali
Q9 Water raven 75e
Ivory Rinali
F10 Raven Staff q9 Smite - 100e
Ivory Rinali
Bump, added a couple items
175e outcast
Ivory Rinali
Not sure if Naga Fangs, Dye Remover, Zaishen Medallions and old runes would fit here as misc? Possibly
150e on the Gothic Shield
Ivory Rinali
Close please
Hi! Looking for these items as I can, let me know if you have these or something close to it. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out so far! IGN - Ivory Rinali
*Mixed Dyes - Minimum 15a/ea*
*Dye Remover*
*Prenerf Staves*
*OS Restoration Req Staves/Wands/Focus Items*
*Customized Minipets*
*Tradeable BMP Weapons*
****LOOKING FOR PRENERF STAVES Q9 WITH 9/9 HCT/HSR MODS**** *Also buying Q8 and 7-10%*
Q8 Tyrian Cleaver - Insc or OS +5e
Q8 Celestial Axe +5e - Paying extremely well for this.
Serpent Axe (Tyrian, OS)
Q9 Oni Blade 15^-1 health regen
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade Clean
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 15^-1e
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 15 -5e
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 15 -10a
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 20v50%
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 20^hexed
Q8 Golden Phoenix Blade 15 vs hexed
Q8 Fellblade +5e
Q8 FDS +5e
HoD Sword
OS Crysta +5e
Unconditional Dmg Swords
Q9 Insectoid Scythe
No Req Scythes 8-16dmg
Mausoleum Scythes
Mausoleum Spears
Q8 15^50 Celestial Daggers
Q8 +5e Dragon Kamas
Q8 Stormbows 12-15^50/Stance/Enchant
Q8 Bramble Longbow or Flatbow (paying very well for these)
Any Q Blue/Purple Darkwing Defender or Enameled Shield
Diamond Aegis OS +30 -2^enc/st or +45^enc/st -2^enc/st (Any Req)
Iridescent Aegis OS +30 -2^enc/st or +45^enc/st -2^enc/st (Any Req)
Q9 Tac Bladed/Magmas/Outcast/GotH/Gothic Defender/Kappa Shield +45^enc, -2^enc
Q9 Str Eternal Shield +45^enc, -2^enc
Q7/8/9 Istani Shield (blue/purple/gold)
Q7/8/9 Copperleaf Shield (blue/purple/gold)
Q9 Shields (depends per skin if interested) +30, +1 20% (Air/Fire/Water/Earth/Healing/Prot/Smite/Curses/Domination/Illusion)
Tradeable Mursaat/Tengu/Undead/Charr Shield (Tac/Comm)
Any AR8 Insc no req shields (blue/purp)
OS 20/20 Staves (Any Q for Raven/Ghostly, Q9 for the rest)
Display Spoiler
Divine/Heal – Raven, Zodiac, Ghostly, Cockatrice
Divine/Prot – Raven, Zodiac, Bo, Ghostly, Celestial, Cockatrice, Platinum
Smiting - Raven (Q11 or lower), Shadow, Ghostly, Celestial, Cockatrice
Air – Raven, Zodiac, Ghostly, Cockatrice, Platinum, Amber, Outcast
Earth – Raven, Shadow, Bo, Ghostly, Celestial, Dragon, Earth Staff (Obsidian), Platinum
Fire – Raven, Shadow, Zodiac, Bo, Ghostly, Celestial, Dragon, Cockatrice, Outcast
Water – Zodiac, Shadow, Dragon, Ghostly, Water Staff (Canthan), Cockatrice, Platinum
Domination – Raven, Shadow, Ghostly, Celestial, Cockatrice, Platinum
Illusion – Raven, Shadow, Ghostly, Celestial, Cockatrice
Curses – Raven, Shadow, Celestial, Cockatrice
Channeling - Raven, Shadow, Bo, Channeling, Celestial, Cockatrice
Spawning/Resto - Raven, Shadow, Zodiac, Celestial, Cockatrice, Platinum
OS 20/10 Staves q9
Display Spoiler
Smiting - Ghostly
Air – Shadow, Ghostly
Earth – Earth Staff (Obsidian)
Domination – Raven
Illusion – Ghostly
Curses – Raven, Shadow, Ghostly, Cockatrice
Channeling - Shadow
Q9 Wands (20/20, 20/10, +5^50/20, +15 -1/20, 10/10)
Air Wand, Baneful Scepter, Cane (Illusion/Domination), Channeling Rod (Forked), Deadly Cesta, Holy Rod,
Platinum Wand (10/10 Air/Earth/Dom/Illu/Curses/Communing), Pronged Rod, Spiral Rod (not 10/10), Dragon’s Breath Wand, Golden Pillar, Zodiac Scepter (Earth/Fire/Water – HCT 10%, +5^E), Water Spirit Rod
Platinum Wands Q9 9/9 Earth/Fire/Water
Q9-13 Wands (20/20, 20/10, +5^50/20, +15 -1/20, 10/10) - Div-Heal/Prot, Smiting, Air/Earth/Fire/Water, Dom/Illu, Curses, Channeling, Spawn/Resto
Jellyfish Wand
Celestial Scepter
Wayward Wand
Koi Scepter
Platinum Wand
Zodiac Scepter
Q9 – 20/20, 20/10, 10/10, +15 -1/10, +15 -1/20, +30 +1/20%, 20% +1/20%
Accursed Icon (Gorgon), Flame Artifact (Core/Eye), Storm Artifact, Earth Scroll, Channeling Focus
Q9-13 – 20/20, 20/10, 10/10, +15 -1/10, +15-1/20, +30 +1/20%, 20% +1/20%
Paper Fan, Paper Lantern, Divine Scroll, Straw Effigy, Frost Artifact, Aureate Chalice, Gilded Artifact, Inscribed Chakram(metal), Wooden Chakram, Jeweled Chakram(metal), Jeweled Chalice, Writhing Focus
Q8 Gold Butterfly Mirror (Paying very well for this)
Q8 Gold Inscribed Chakram (Metal)
Q8 Gold Water/Iridescent Prism
Edielh's Focus
Bizzr's Fury
Makdeh's Focus
The Windcatcher
Jade Wind Orbs
Prenerf Runes
Zaishen Medallions
Broken Toy
Tattered Girl’s Cape
Ivory Rinali
B/o on 3
Ivory Rinali
Strength Gold (core) Q8 OS Spiked Targe +28 -2w/e - 400e
Ivory Rinali
#9 10e
#10 10eIvory Rinali
I'll buy your axe enchants, zealous bow mods
Ign: Ivory Rinali
1 .- q11 Tac Bladed Shield (-2^e,+27hp) --> B/O 4e <again this
34.- q8 Fire Artifact blue --> B/O 3e
49.- q9 Dinosaur Scythe --> B/O 5eIGN: Ivory Rinali
bump bump