Bump pleaSed
Posts by Gentleman
B.o on the q13 death plat staff
Ign revenge of mojo/Sena castri -
any one heard of or seen one of these two staves floating around? Ill pay 50e to a person who brings me a seller once i have the staff????????? so bump
25e ea on amber, shadow staff and dead staff for now
65e on the q9 blood dragon
Last 2 Dragons I need are both Ritulist =) Bump
Hey, thanks for stopping by, now you might have something i want to buy
Req 8 Forked sword or a Wingblade sword 15^50 or 15^ench
Aegis R9 -5/20 and +30hp or -2w/e +30hp in those mod orders.
Emblazoned Defender Strength R9 -2stance +30 in that order
q10 Smiting Prayers - Winged Staff ~ B/o 25e
- ill take this
IGN Revenge of Mojo -
q13 20/20 smite Dragon Staff b/o 50e
- ill take this please
IGN Revenge of Mojo -
Bump, got some old stuff back
After failing at knowing how to use this website heres the correct post lol...
Finally Able to get these together
Looking to find some new friends for a few of my other 13^50's
Looking for any q8 13^50 Gold Max Damage Weapons
Nothing too amazing but feel free to offer.
Q8 Jade Longbow 15-5 energy
Q8 Feathered Long bow 19 Below 50
Q8 Celestial Longbow 20% while Hexed
Q8 Shortbow 14^50
Q8 Celestial Longbow 14^ench
Q8 Feathered Longbow 15-10arm
Q8 Stormbow 14Vs Hexed
Q8 Stormbow 19 Whle hexed
Q8 Platnium Longbow 14^stance
Q8 Zodiac Longbow 19 Below 50
Q8 Amber Longbow 14-10 arm
Q9 Bramble Longbow +5energyQ9 Chan Platinum Staff 20/10
Q11 Firewand Htc 20 fire HSr 10%Q9 15^50 Wicked Blade
Q9 15^50 Cleaver Core
Q12 gothic defend -2 stance +44 stance
Q9 Hand Axe 15^stance
q9 Crenellated sword 15^50
Q13 Flamberg +5energy