Pineapple or oranges
Pineapple or oranges
the poster above may have a reason
in my opinion many factors come into play.
Like cosy says, heros makes the game become more secluded in playing the game. It's been probably two years since I've personally have done a mission with more than 2 other people or it feels like it or a full 4 to 8 man vannquish, that's been 6+ years
The player base is old, many of the players of this game played it in their childhood or early adult years and have had to move on to focus on careers, school and family and forgot about the game I grew up on this game and keep coming back to it, others might just not have that feeling to.
Trends change, if you look for the most popular games these days, watch twitch or use a gaming platform it feels very rare to see a RPG pop up unless it's got the newest and greatest features that a game from 2005 lacks. Awareness this game exists is hard to get unless your coming from 2, how often do you look for a game from 12 years ago? It's always looking into the future for what's coming, not what's in the past.
Guild wars 2, a lot of players left to this, but some have come from it. Unlike other games from this era, there is no new content for the orginal going to be drawing in the crowds and masses unless the devote time and effort into release content for the game, they do minor updates, the rendering and random bot disruptions, but it's the same content since the last released expansion.
I can't say much and about the pvp side of the game and I do not know enough to have any input on that.
You can always go into kam and ask if anyone wantz to go do a mission or chest run, some one may take you up on the offer.
back back up to the top
the poster above.... has their name for a reason
its not possible to get a max q8 as foes are to high of a level rurik, and ty chevy for ur post =)
up we goooo again
the poster above knows it was the monks fault
apple or pear
Canadian Bacon
the poster above has more secrets than that though.
bump please
the poster above likes peanut butter and cookies =O, might need to update their signature
The poster above lies about the poster above, they didn't get the tootsie that broke a filling out of my mouth
i summon thee
the poster above may be looking for a new holiday photo
Found some new items, Bump
bring it up on here bump, lowered outcasts
Lol, well Dune lizard from a ranger i deleted long ago, Named Mojo. was only sad to lose him =( named a character after him
Christmas (only time i make cookies)
the poster above likes good food combinations
mmm french press
Greek coffee or Colombian?
Ha Ha! you didnt see this bump coming now did yah?
the poster above is looking to save every penny they can
i dont like bloody meat (can handle medium-well)
snowboard or skii
it is best to avoid g2a, lots of times the codes wont work.
the poster above knows i will share
toast or just bred
the poster above is trying to tell us the story of said player! gather around and await the next post!
toothless(the dragon whom cosy fears)(i think)