B/O Zodiac Str Insc and Longsword +5e
85e Stone Summit
B/O Zodiac Str Insc and Longsword +5e
85e Stone Summit
Final bump, ending tomorrow.
1a zod sword
Up. Thanks for bids everyone. Will leave this up a few more days.
Tanzits 5e
Destroyer shield 5e
Zodiac Insc Str Shield: 15e
Q11 Stone Summit: 50e
Runic Blade: 5e
Dragon Kamas 15e
I’ll take 2 lockpick stacks
Up. Added Q8 gold insc SSS and SWS too.
Up. Added B/O along with a few R/B that have been met. Will let this run through the next few days, would like to start clearing some inventory.
Channeling ghostly 20e
Single mods are almost always bound for the merch.
Up, still looking.
Up. Now looking for Q9 insc items!
Up. Thanks for bids so far, first page has been updated accordingly.
Oaken Q9 20e
Conset stack if still available for 9a
Tagged below are the items ready for pickup. Please send your IGN and I will arrange delivery.
SafeOfBlossoms - Wayward Wand Divine Favor (3a)
m4sc0tte - Spiral Rod (2a)
ivann - Divine Symbol (1a), Daggers of Xuekao (1a)
Hate Core - Water Bo (40e)
Woo - Half Moon DV (50e)
Also added a huge batch of storage liquidation!
Final bump, current items will close in 24 hours.