bump (if this is the right way to do things :P)
Posts by MeowMiauMeow
Hi all,
I'm just trying to sell this one shield I got, that sounds like it might be worth roughly 1-2a.
I'm a bit new to the terms, but I think I'll go with a buy now of 2a, but 1a would be good enough, and I'd give it a bit more time to see if there's more interest.
I'm not gonna be too fussy though, if you want to barter some, I'll happily discuss it once it's been up for a bit.
All the best!
Meow :3
Thank you guys! :3
I'll head off and sell this now then - 1-2a is still beyond worth the time to me, so I appreciate it!All the best!
Hi guys!
I got this one shield while out vanquishing. I was told it might be a bit of money, so I shouldn't merch it, but not too crazy. I'd love to know a rough number of what I ought to be asking for if someone wanted it, please!
Thank you for your time!
Hi all,
Sorry it's been a while longer than I said, real life's been busy (and at times I've forgotten, but I'll just blame irl stuff you don't get to be mad at me for!)
is it okay to retract an auction? I think it's dropped from a 100e I was going to accept (no worries about dropping out btw, it's perfectly understandable when you already have a better one), and I don't know if it's actually worth more to me to just keep it than 60. If that's not an option, can I just continue the auction in hopes it does go back to an amount I'd be happier with?
I'm really sorry if this is a faux-pas, if it is, feel free to PM me about it, please.All the best,
Hi all,
Pardon me, I've not had much time this week to get on the game - I think I'll have time on Monday though, so I hope you don't mind, but if I have time to log on before then, I'll PM the top bidder. Most likely is Monday though, I hope that's not too long!
Thank you for the bids so far!
All the best,
Hi all!
I got this cool staff today with finally a 20% inherent mod for the same attribute as the staff, and I think it's a decent skin. Just a shame it's q12.
(lemme know if I've misread something here - I've once misread dual zealous as dual vamp so I wouldn't put it past me)
I was told it should be arms, so if that's true, I'd like to auction it off here if that's okay
Many thanks for reading, hope you have a lovely day, all!
Meow :3
Hi all!
Me again!
I'm just wondering if this is worth sparing from a dark, merchey fate. I don't mind being told to merch it though, just would like someone to condone the decision before I do just in case.
many thanks, and all the best to you all! have a lovely day!
I'll try and coordinate with you and get that trade sorted.
Thank you everybody who participated in the auction! Pardon if it was a bit scuffed, I'm still new to this, but I really enjoyed the process!
Wishing you all a lovely day and the best of luck,
Meow :3
Hi all,
I'd like to auction off this shield I got in eotn. My initial hype over its potential price has been tempered, but I'd still like to start the price at 10a though, and cross my fingers.
Hope you all have a lovely day, and thank you for reading this!
All the best,
Meow :3
P.S. I also got this shield, I don't see it having any significant value, and I can't think of a use for it, so it's free to anyone who wants it, just PM me and it's yours
just wanted to find a home for it outside the merch just in case anyone's looking for these exact stats
Thank you both for the PC!
I'll be putting this up for auction now, all the best!
Meow :3
Hi all,
I've just gotten the first q8 16ar gold shield I've had (had a couple of blues, but uninspiring skins and only one tac, others are comm and moti), and I got really excited because I've seen really high PCs for those before, but checking for this skin specifically seems to have dropped the price a lot (it's still a lot of money to me, so I shouldn't mind too much). I'm just trying to keep my hopes up that there's some truth to my initial excitement or not.
All the best, and thank you all for reading!
Meow :3
thank you
I don't know if I'll end up selling it, I'd probably end up waiting forever for it to sell for 5k, but thank you for the insight - it'll let me merch it with a clean conscience.
all the best!
Hi all,
I've luckily had another weapon with max damage for its lower q, though in this case, my luck hasn't carried on to put another 15^50 on it - as you can see it's 19% while hexed, so it's a bit disappointing. Still, I was wondering if there's any value to this whatsoever or if it's destined for the bin.
Thank you, all the best!
Meow :3
Hi all
I think it might be time to call it now, since it's been 24 hours, I wouldn't want to keep anyone waiting (hope I haven't been keeping anyone waiting irritatingly long already, it's my first auction, so I don't know! Sorry if I have, and thank you for your patience either way!) so if I'm right, I think that means that Anti has won it? Thank you immensely, and I hope you enjoy the axe a great deal
would you like me to PM you my ingame name to agree on a time and place to make the trade happen?
All the best to you and everyone else in the auction, this has been an absolute blessing for me, and I'll keep being over the moon for maybe years about this! Wishing you all luck in your trades, collections and everything else in life,Meow
also, hey sweet, I can edit the title now! :p (I'll do that once the trade goes though, I hope that's the right time to do that)
Thank you all so much for the bids! I'm blown away by where this has gone, thank you so, so much!
I'm not entirely certain where to call the auction, the plan was to call it on Sunday maybe? Maybe I'll let it keep going if there are still bids within 24 hours though, to make sure people can still bid if they want to, though I don't really know the standard approach to auctions though, does that sound fair?
I love you guys so much for this!
I don't know if you'd believe how impossibly delighted it makes me to see this all, but I assure you it won't die down any time soon, this is amazing!
all the best!
thank you all!
I'm trying to figure out how to make a sale post again :p can't figure out how to take down my old post/convert it to the new one (can't access the title if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong), but keep an eye out, I'm bound to figure it out before long!
much love, all!
thank you eckoo for the PC! and especially so for being able to admit the conflict of interest on the axe
I'll get in touch with you once I do see a PC on it.
All the best!
Hi all, me again! thank you again for the PCs on my first items!
I've got a small group of more items I'd like a PC on, and please let me know if you're interested in them if you'd like to buy, too!
I get the impression some are kinda rubbish, and others might be more acceptable, but these are the items I've been given to believe might be worth a bit if I get a PC on them, any advice you might have on any of them would be much appreciated!
All the best!
(this one might be nothing, but I thought people liked oni daggers, so a clean one of those might be something? if I get a merch appraisal though, it will go to merch)
Hi all,
I can't touch the title of this thread, so I hope this gets enough attention for what it is regardless (or someone can close it if they read this? unlike the PC thread, I can't interact with the "edit thread" part of this one, really sorry if that causes confusion!)
this is the axe I have been getting a PC for, it's max damage for q6 and 15^50. I'd like to auction it for a while if that's okay, hope you are all well!
All the best
Hi all!
I'm very new to OS, basically everything I've had worth selling I've only gotten through things like vanquishes and stuff so far, so I'm very much reliant on others for pc, any advice would be thoroughly appreciated, thank you!
I don't expect much money for most of these, I just wanted to know that I won't be either asking way too much or too little, or merching something I'll later realise could have bought me a house a week later :p
(also a wintergreen axe, but something about my screenshot of that isn't working out too well)
all the best, thank you all