I Take The Amber Aegis 3a
dm me in Game Fonzy Gallo
I Take The Amber Aegis 3a
dm me in Game Fonzy Gallo
Amber 5 and wooden2, 55a for both, my last offert
Amber 5, 5a
Wooden 2, 13a
Contact me on game for the trade Fonzy Gallo
24 more hours, no reserve price, will give to highest bidder
Buying q9 Celestial Shield +10 Armor vs Undead -2/we. Offering 25a
Buying q9 Celestial Shield +10 Armor vs Plants -2/we. Offering 18a.
Buying q12 Death Magic BDS. Offering 6a
Buying q12 Prot BDS. Offering 10a
Buying q9 Curses Bo Staff 20/20. Offering 10a
Hello im selling those 2 staffs, feel free to offer if interested
Q9 20/20 Divine Favor
"> c/o 5a
Q9 20/20 Earth
"> c/o 50a
No reserve price, highest bidder win, need arms