Posts by Tzalaran

    Getting back into the game, as a challenge my son and i bought new accounts and are starting over.

    i'm starting to deck out my monk's weapon sets, and i'm having significant difficulty getting shield sets. back in the day it wasn't hard to find people selling Q8 AR 16 shields, or Q7 AR 15. Since buying from others is less of an option at this point, i'm needing to know what causes low req high armor shields to drop? i've gotten AR 8 no req INSC shields from Kournan chests in NM, and i got an 8/16 shield but no insc slot Vaettir farming over the lucky week (i was floating until i realized it lacked an inscription), but i don't really know where the ideal spots to hope for one of these would be...

    i know it needs to be in NF or EotN (or no insc slot).

    seems to me low level areas are more likely (i find very few low req items in Vabbi and later in NF)

    NM chests seem to drop purples, but all the q8/16 q7/15s that i have are blue items, which won't drop from chests...

    i've searched Wiki and not found anything which helped me narrow down my location to hunt for these (if i wanted non Insc double mods i found lots of info)

    any information or clues as to where to find these would be much appreciated!