Posts by KleuTSchi
12. Straw Effigy SR: 10e
Hi everyone,
selling below caster modded OS Jitte to clear up some storage space.
C/O - 5a
R/B - 10a→ Please leave your IGN with your bid plus a reference to the item
(I reserve the right to not sell, B/Os may be added at a later date) -
10a Q9 Bonecage Scythe
Looking to buy an Eaglecrest Axe and Dryad Bow. Only Q9 and max DMG.
Additionally buying other Design-a-Weapon Contest weapons (Q9 Inscr.) down below:
- Dragoncrest Axe
- Straw Effigy (Divine Favor)
- Wayward Wand (Divine Favor)
- Archaic Maul
Selling bow in 48h unless there are new bids. -
Hi everyone,
selling the two cute Desolation-exclusive items below. Have fun.
48e = 1aAncient Flatbow | C/O - 15a Alamon
Desolation Maul | C/OSold ingame→ Please leave your IGN with your bid plus a reference to the item
(I reserve the right to not sell, B/Os may be added at a later date) -
Got q9 +5e FellbladeSold elsewhere in the meantime, sorry. -
Bladed 70a
Bladed 65a
1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11 BO
Hi everyone,
selling 80 OS Items of varying rarity and usefulness inlcuding Demon shields, Clean Value items etc. Go wild.
48e = 1a
!!! Currently no more items available !!!
Bladed Shield
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Skeleton Shield
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Iridescent Aegis
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Diamond Aegis
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Defender
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Spiked Targe
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Wooden Buckler / Round Shield
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Bronze Shield
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Tall Shield
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Shield of the Wing / Aegis
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Reinforced Buckler
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B Ornate Buckler
Auction # REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B +5 Energy Swords
Auction # SKIN REQ GV C/O | R/B 56 Fiery Dragon Sword Q9 Swordsmanship 256 50e Abaddon Dual Vamp Weapons
Auction # SKIN REQ GV C/O | R/B Dual Zealous Weapons
Auction # SKIN REQ GV C/O | R/B Wands
Auction # SKIN REQ MOD 1 MOD 2 GV C/O | R/B 20% HCT Staves
Auction # SKIN REQ INHERENT MOD GV C/O | R/B Ingame tooltips of all items
→ Please leave your IGN with your bid plus the Auction# of the item
(I reserve the right to not sell, B/Os may be added at a later date) -
Gwen Doll 20a
Q9 15^50 Battlepick OS - 5a